Wellsense Laundry Ball HBhousing CO.,Ltd Office : Cheonho-dong Gangdong-gu Seoul, Korea Heme page : TEL : / FAX : Home necessity for family’s health and clean environment
Wellsense Laundry Ball Specifications for laundry ball - Product name: Wellsense laundry ball. - Usage place: Use after putting into a washing machine. - Usage period: 3-year use when used once a day(over 1,000 times) - Outer material: Elastomer. - Usage method: Refer to the instructions. - Country of origin: Korea. - Manufacturer: HB Housing Co., Ltd. This only washes your laundry with water without using a detergent. 100% natural material. Designed to reinforce washing power(whirling water). Minimized noise(the use of new materials) Reinforced cleansing power(the use of reinforced ceramic) Prevention of skin trouble resulting from a residual detergent.
Wellsense Laundry Ball Purpose and usage period Features - Wellsense laundry ball is comprised of 4 special natural ceramic balls made of various natural ore materials, which are designed scientifically. - Wellsense laundry ball only substitutes for various washing-related functions of a synthetic detergent, allowing for eco-friendly laundry. - The testing result of an authorized government agency proved it had excellent performances such as cleansing power, bleaching power, and sterilizing power, etc. as laundry supplies. -Outer case and embedded components don't emit hazardous substances to the human body. - Eco-friendly laundry supplies used as a substitute for a detergent when washing by a washing machine. - Usable over 3 years on average (based on once use a day) HTS ball contained only in Wellsense laundry ball is a ball made from special materials with powerful triple antimicrobial power, and reduces washing time by more superior antimicrobial power and radiation energy with high density, removing hazardous bacteria in the washing tub as well
Wellsense Laundry Ball Washing principle Powerful wavelength energy of far-infrared rays generated from Wellsense ball embedded in the laundry ball disconnects the combination of water molecules with hydrogen, and makes water molecule cluster smaller, not only activating water molecule movement, but being also changed into activated water with energy, resulting in having higher penetration power and cleansing power than water in natural condition. Also, energy and anion(-) electron emitted from the Wellsense ball are neutralized after being combined with a cation (+), the pollution source of textiles. Interfacial tension, the coherence of textiles and dirt is weakened, causing dirt to come off easily from the textiles, and allowing for eco-friendly laundry. Alkali ball changes neutrality, the property of water in natural condition into alkalinity, making dirt, the main pollution source of clothes, washed out. Powerful sterilizing power of antimicrobial ball eliminates various fungi and bacteria in water and a washing machine, making the inside of a washing machine as well as laundry clean. Frictional force of an outer projection on the case, and water pressure erupted from the projection generate physical cleansing power. General water cluster cluster contacted with the laundry ball
Wellsense Laundry Ball Effect of laundry ball The effects include: washing, bleaching, sterilizing, textile softening, prevention of static electricity, prevention of tangle, prevention of damaged cloth. Use for over 3 years on average can make it possible to save 3-year detergent cost with one laundry ball. No use of a synthetic detergent reduces the frequency of rinse, resulting in economical saving effects such as water saving, electricity saving, time saving. There is no skin trouble resulting from a residual detergent in the cloth when using a detergent. No use of a synthetic detergent reduces water pollution, allowing you to directly practice environmental protection movement in daily life.
Wellsense Laundry Ball Usage method - Available for the use of both a general washer and drum washer. - Available for the use of a boiling washer using hot water. - You are recommended to use 1 ball for washer capacity(5kg), and 2 balls for washer capacity (over 5kg). - Put the laundry and laundry ball together into the washing machine before washing. - It is possible to do the laundry only with the Wellsense laundry ball for general laundry, but it is good to use after putting about 10% of the existing detergent usage into the washing machine for the heavily polluted laundry.
The result of examination - Washing strength test An examinant : Korea Apparel Testing & Research Institute Date of test : May, 2004 Subject of test : Examination Subject Test on sample Powder Detergent Wellsense Laundry Ball Judgment Washing strength JIS contaminate cloths %35.24 %similar Blenching strength BC-2 Contaminate cloths %20.40 % Laundry Ball is superior Fabric flexibleness towel (improved) (improved) Detergent is superior Sterilizing power Staphylococcus Aureus Pneumonia 99.3 % 94.1 % Laundry Ball is superior Residue of Surface active agent g/10 g noneLaundry Ball is superior Wellsense Laundry Ball How to use the laundry ball(by the illustration) Put the laundry and laundry ball into the washing machine. Collect water. Do the laundry in an automatic mode as usual (washing/rinse/spin-drying) Take out the laundry, and leave the laundry ball in the washing machine.
Deliberation test 1) Act of contamination with coffee, strawberry milk, wine, pork and fat, carbon of car engine and dusts of building 2) Washing with Wellsense Laundry Ball Wellsense Laundry Ball
How to use the laundry ball Wellsense Laundry Ball Before and After BeforeAfter Before After
How to use the laundry ball Wellsense Laundry Ball BeforeAfter Before After Before After
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Wellsense Laundry Ball (korea)-Test Report (washing)
Wellsense Laundry Ball (korea)-Test Report (bleaching)
Wellsense Laundry Ball (korea)-Test Report (antibiotics)
Wellsense Laundry Ball (korea)-Test Report (antibiotics)
Wellsense Laundry Ball (korea)-Test Report (antibiotics)
Wellsense Laundry Ball -Test Report (washing)
Wellsense Laundry Ball -Test Report (bleaching)
Wellsense Laundry Ball -Test Report (antibiotics)
Wellsense Laundry Ball -Test Report (antibiotics)
Wellsense Laundry Ball -Test Report (antibiotics)