Directions For each of the following statements, compose one well-written sentence reacting to the statement. In your notebook: 1)Write down the statement 2) Write your one sentence response Example: Everyone in every situation should always be treated equally. Sometimes people have different needs and treating everyone the same in every situation might even be unfair in certain situations.
1. The punishment for murder should always be death.
2. Teenagers can’t understand what true love really is.
3. Hurting someone in revenge for hurting a close friend of yours is okay.
4. Good friends should stick together at all times no matter how wrong a friend may be.
5. Parents should make the decisions about their children’s lives.
6. It is possible to fall in love at first sight, even though it may be rare.
7. Telling lies or hiding the truth is acceptable for the right reasons.
8. Family feuds only affect adults.
Reflection Directions: Get into small groups (2-3) and discuss your answers as well as your group members’ answers. Listen carefully to their responses, paying attention to their individual opinions.
Reflection Questions 1.Which statements triggered the most thought-provoking, interesting or emotional discussion among your group members? Summarize the discussion/debate, putting particular emphasis on those statements. 2.For any statements that you discussed, what were some of the most compelling or significant points made by your group members? How did those statements affect your opinion? 3.When you found that a member of your group disagreed with the way you feel about an issue, what was your reaction? Were there any emotional outbreaks that had to be dealt with as a group? What statement(s) triggered the emotional response? What methods did your group use to deal with the problems? 4.Why do you think there might be so many differing opinions about the answers to even the simplest questions?