WILY MANAGER Just-in-Time Management Advice The Balanced Scorecard
WILY MANAGER Just-in-Time Management Advice Agenda Where the BSC comes from The Standard Four Perspectives 3 Things to Remember
WILY MANAGER Just-in-Time Management Advice Financial Perspective How do we look to Shareholders Financial Perspective How do we look to Shareholders Internal Business Perspective What Must We Excel At? Internal Business Perspective What Must We Excel At? Customer Perspective How do Customers See Us? Customer Perspective How do Customers See Us? Innovation and Learning Perspective How Do We Continue to Improve? Innovation and Learning Perspective How Do We Continue to Improve?
WILY MANAGER Just-in-Time Management Advice How do we look to our shareholders? Financial perspective does a lot with profitability, growth, and shareholder value Tends to look “backwards” Shareholder Value Analysis is an attempt to help financials look forward The Financial Perspective
WILY MANAGER Just-in-Time Management Advice How do our Customers see us? A complete blend of time, quality, performance and service, which are of more concern to the customer Benchmarking is sometimes used for industry comparison Ensures your business is not excelling at something that has no value to the customer The Customer Perspective
WILY MANAGER Just-in-Time Management Advice What must we excel at? Business processes that have greatest impact on customer satisfaction Often measures of cycle time, quality, productivity and cost are “deconstructed” to a local level This is where information systems and tracking become critical The Internal Business Perspective
WILY MANAGER Just-in-Time Management Advice Can we continue to improve and create value? Incorporates notion of continuous improvement Setting targets for KPI improvement and continual learning Measures company’s ability to innovate, learn, and improve Employee retention, satisfaction, skill levels The Innovation and Learning Perspective
WILY MANAGER Just-in-Time Management Advice ROCE Customer Loyalty On-Time Delivery Process Cycle Time Employee Skills Process Quality Internal Process Learning/Growth Financial Customer
WILY MANAGER Just-in-Time Management Advice 3 Things to Remember 1.Don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be 2.Adjust the perspectives to meet the needs of your organization 3.Don’t forget about “leading” indicators