Time to Promote Your Booth! The next two slides provide you a template and example for you to use. Note these pointers when creating your slide: Keep it short but sweet Use an image Have a call to action Create a “tease” Don’t use too many different fonts or colours If you are unfamiliar with Powerpoint, this simple online instruction will show you how to “Make an Easy Powerpoint Presentation”. When complete, please by May 13 th to Cathy Yeomans at You have only one slide so make it count!Make an Easy Powerpoint
COMPANY NAME Ex. of text - Come by our booth today so we can share with you: Add Information To Promote Your Booth Additional text can be added here to promote your company and booth. Image(s) can also be added to wherever you might have room on the slide. Note that clutter will make it hard to focus. NOTE: Only YOUR Sponsor Logo should be on the slide
ERAC Welcomes You! Come by our booth to find out about: New & Existing Agreements to Save You $ Evaluated & Approved Resources Our Equipment Corner Future of ERAC Conferences People at ERAC Some sweet SWAG (of course!) Our Staff are more than happy to answer any questions you may have, so don’t be a stranger and swing by! Don’t forget to get your Passports signed!