What Got You Here Won’t Get You There Marshall Goldsmith Joseph Olsen SUNY Cortland EDL 678
The Trouble With Success Past or current success doesn’t guarantee future success Past or current success doesn’t guarantee future success You must continue to acquire the appropriate knowledge and experience to reach future goals You must continue to acquire the appropriate knowledge and experience to reach future goals Always strive to evolve and improve is vital for continued success Always strive to evolve and improve is vital for continued success
Enough About You Apologize Apologize Advertise Advertise Follow-up Follow-up Listen without prejudice Listen without prejudice Gratitude Gratitude Feedfoward Feedfoward
Beliefs That Lead to Success 1. I have succeeded We have the skills We have the skills 2. I can succeed We have the confidence We have the confidence 3. I will succeed We have the motivation We have the motivation 4. I choose to succeed We have the free choice to succeed We have the free choice to succeed
20 “Bad Behaviors” Hold you back from the top Most annoying interpersonal issues in the workplace Identify which ones apply to yourself
20 “Bad Behaviors” 1. Winning Too Much 2. Adding When Angry 3. Passing Judgment 4. Destructive Comments 5. Saying No/But/However
20 “Bad Behaviors” 6. Telling the World How Smart We Are 7. Speaking When Angry 8. Negativity 9. Withholding Information 10. Failing to Give Credit
20 “Bad Behaviors 20 “Bad Behaviors” 11. Taking Credit 12. Making Excuses 13. Clinging to the Past 14. Playing Favorites 15. Not Apologizing
20 “Bad Behaviors” 16. Not Listening 17. Not Thanking 18. Punishing the Messenger 19. Passing the Buck 20. It Wouldn’t Be “Me”
Twenty-First Habit: Goal Obsession Paradoxical trait we accept as a driver of our success Paradoxical trait we accept as a driver of our success Motivates us to finish the job in the face of any obstacle Motivates us to finish the job in the face of any obstacle Valuable trait most of time Valuable trait most of time Taken too far can cause a blatant cause of failure Taken too far can cause a blatant cause of failure
Feedback Confidential 360-degree feedback Confidential 360-degree feedback Successful people can have difficulty accepting feedback Successful people can have difficulty accepting feedback Accept feedback that is consistent with our self-image Accept feedback that is consistent with our self-image Reject feedback that is inconsistent Reject feedback that is inconsistent
Apologizing Can be the most magical, healing, restorative gestures humans can make Can be the most magical, healing, restorative gestures humans can make It is easy to do so It is easy to do so Instruction Manual Instruction Manual You say “I’m sorry.” You add, “I’ll try to do better in the future.” And then… you say nothing. Don’t explain it, don’t complicate it, and don’t qualify it. You only risk saying something that will dilute it
Advertising Declare exactly in what area you plan to change Declare exactly in what area you plan to change Harder to change people’s perception of your behavior than it is to change your behavior Harder to change people’s perception of your behavior than it is to change your behavior People will start to accept the possibility of a new improved you People will start to accept the possibility of a new improved you Advertise relentlessly as if it’s a long-term campaign Advertise relentlessly as if it’s a long-term campaign
Listening Three things good listeners do Three things good listeners do 1. They think before they speak 2. They listen with respect 3. They’re always gauging their response by asking themselves “Is it worth it”?
This book is an entertaining and informative read for successful people and for coaches This book is an entertaining and informative read for successful people and for coaches I hope you enjoyed the presentation! I hope you enjoyed the presentation!