If you would like to meet with me… Due to the time limits tonight and to protect your child’s privacy, I unfortunately can’t discuss individual students. Please contact me by or send a note to arrange a private meeting!
Mrs. Rousseau
If you would like to meet with me… Due to the time limits tonight and to protect your child’s privacy, I unfortunately can’t discuss individual students. Please contact me by or send a note to arrange a private meeting!
Thank you! Thank you for entrusting me with your child this year! As a parent myself, I identify with with you and your desire to have your child in a safe, nurturing, and fun learning environment provided by someone who truly cares for your child.
About Mrs. Rousseau This is my 8 th year teaching! I have taught 2 nd and 3 rd in the St. Bernard Parish Public School System. I also have taught 6 th grade math and 8 th grade Algebra I at Holy Cross High School in New Orleans before moving to Mandeville. I am so excited to teach 4 th grade again for the fith year at TMS with Mrs. Vicknair! I hold a M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction as well as a B.S. in Education. I am also certified in Educational Leadership, Elementary Education 1-5 and Middle School Mathematics 4-8 by the State of Louisiana.
Please make sure to have read our First Day packet that was sent home in the beginning of the school year! Our specific classroom policies are outlined. Classroom Policies
Tests, Projects, Essays: 45% Quizzes: 30% Class grades, homework: 25% Rousseau/Vicknair Final Grade Percentages
You can access our teacher website through the TMS website: Website:
Weekly Communication: Please sign it every Monday as part of the weekly homework assignment.
I will write their homework on a master planner for them to copy into their same homework planner. They are responsible to copy the homework down correctly. Homework is not posted online. Homework & Tests:
Can be for Academic or Behavior Purposes Academic: Typically given for a missed homework assignment Behavior: Typically given for something that is more serious than just signing their conduct folder. Can also be given after multiple conduct folder signings. Parents keep the pink copy. The office doesn’t get a copy and it is not part of their record. The teacher keeps the yellow copy for her class records. Behavior Reports
Test folders will be given on Tuesdays and must be signed and returned by Thursday Test papers will not be given back until the test folder is returned signed with all graded work. Please do not remove any graded work from the folder. Correct mistakes and review each paper to learn from any errors. Test Folders:
Math 4 Today It is done daily in class and kept in the math section of the binder. We check it and go over each question. It is to go home nightly in the binder to review/study/discuss. Quiz on Fridays for Math4Today. I collect the weekly sheet on Friday and will return it with the quiz in the test folder. Math Lesson Starter:
Skills Monday-Thursday relate to the test on Friday Can be done even if absent Tuesday-Thursday Math4Today:
We are using the McGraw Hill My Math Series this year. HW will be primarily assigned from the workbook—page stays in the book! Students will get access to the eBook soon. The eBook has great games, tutor videos and resources! Access it using your student’s userID and CURRENT password TEXTBOOKS:
We are using our notebooks this year as a learning tool to help reinforce skills covered in the textbook. They are interactive with folded parts and other moveable pieces. If absent on a day when a page is done, they are to use the teacher notebook to catch up and use as their model. DO NOT tear out pages or use it for side work. It has a number system and Table of Contents. Interactive Notebooks:
Science Textbook Can be written in Online edition available—See our FAQ page on our website for access codes. TEXTBOOKS:
Science Textbook- begins with physical science, then life science and finally Earth science. Physical science chapters are much harder than the other chapters and require more studying and mental effort. Science
Mrs. Estes is the Science Lab teacher. They go on Fridays at 1:50. If you haven’t seen or signed the Science Lab contract, please ask your child about it. It needs to be signed before this Friday, August 26 th. It is not a graded course. It correlates with our 4 th grade science standards. Science Lab
Social Studies Workbook Can be written in Online edition will be available soon through Moodle like the Math book. TEXTBOOKS:
Success looks like: Doing class work Participating in class Doing homework Studying for tests TRYING YOUR BEST 4 th Grade Success:
It is the student’s responsibility to have their school supplies at all times. Please check with your child frequently if they need any of their supplies to be replenished. School Supplies:
Looking for a Few Royal Volunteers ! We can always use parental involvement! Room Parent(s) Class sitters Art projects Guest speakers Please sign up before leaving or me! Thank you in advance!
The classroom and school can get cold during the day. Only school approved jackets can be worn inside. Please check the uniform policy in the student planners. Water bottles are fine, but they need to have spill-proof caps. Students need to be responsible with them or they’ll loose the privilege. Reminders:
Thank you! Thank you for coming! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your child’s education. I look forward to a great year! And they all learned happily ever after!