Hamlet Act I Vocabulary. 1. jocund: (adj.) merry or cheerful  Synonyms  elated  jolly  Antonyms  sad He is a rigid temperance man, although he is.


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Presentation transcript:

Hamlet Act I Vocabulary

1. jocund: (adj.) merry or cheerful  Synonyms  elated  jolly  Antonyms  sad He is a rigid temperance man, although he is jocund and whole-souled to a fault.

2. avouch: (v) to cite as authority.  Synonyms  claim  declare  Antonyms  deny I had a note from my doctor avouching that my medical condition did indeed disqualify me from gym class.

3. martial: (adj.) related to or suited for war.  Synonyms  pugnacious  combative  Antonyms  peaceful The ancient Romans were a martial people.

4.portentous: (adj.) eliciting amazement or wonder; shadowy or ominous.  Synonyms  astounding  intriguing  Antonyms  insignificant As an explanation for such a portentous mystery, this has to be too mundane.

5. harbingers: (n.) foreshadows what is to come.  Synonyms  omen  sign  Antonyms  unknown Frost is a harbinger of winter.

6. dirge: (n.) song of grief; mournful piece of music.  Synonyms  lament  Antonyms  happy song The autumn wind sang the dirge of summer.

7. impious: (adj.) lacking in reverence or proper respect.  Synonyms  disrespectful  wicked  Antonyms  pious The film doesn't utter a single pious or even impious thought about politics from beginning to end.

8. circumscribed: (v./adj.) to surround by a boundary.  Synonyms  restrict  confine  Antonyms  free Her social activities are circumscribed by school regulations.

9. apparition: (n.) a ghostly figure  Synonyms  spirit  phantom  Antonyms  being He came toward me, a blurred figure looming like a dark apparition.

10. precepts: (n.) noun1.a commandment or direction given as a rule of action or conduct. (v) to take beforehand; to instruct  Synonyms  principle  direction  Antonyms  nonsense To live according to the precepts of a stringent religion can be difficult.