Vocabulary Lesson #3 English II Honors
ambiguous The teacher's explanation was ambiguous, so the students still didn't understand the grammar point. adj. confusing, able to be understood in different ways
dissident Political dissidents are often put in jail in that country. n. one who rebels, especially in politics or religion
embellish The designer embellished the purse by adding rhinestones to it. Verb: to add decorations or details to, to make more beautiful
fritter He fritters away his money on silly things. Verb - to waste, spend unwisely
inadvertent I'm sorry; not inviting you to the party was an inadvertent mistake. Adj. not on purpose, done without thinking, unintentional.
inane Sally’s inane comments made her seem silly next to her serious sister. adj. without sense, stupid
juxtapose She juxtaposed two dresses to decide which one she liked better. Verb - to place side-by-side, esp. for comparison
lethargy The patient's lethargy after surgery is normal. Noun - lack of energy; drowsiness
sporadic Because he made sporadic payments on his credit card, the bank decided to cancel the card. adj. happening in an irregular way
subsidize The City Opera is subsidized by individual and corporate donations. Verb - to give money to a person, group, or business that is not self-supporting