Course Overview Mr. Sean Hobdell Room: A 113 Please pick up a syllabus and a classroom statement Subjects: Modern America; Global Studies; Intro to Philosophy; International Relations
Syllabus Overview Syllabus – Basic expectations students should have of the course, myself, and themselves while involved with this course. Not written in stone, but I keep to it firmly. –Few exceptions. –Consistency is my emphasis.
Grading 4 Major Areas –Homework – 20% (typically 5 point assignments each) –Class participation 20% (typically range from 5 – 10 point assignments) –Quizzes (averaged) 20% –Tests/Projects (averaged) 40%
Homework Homework – It is Important for YOU to get in the habit of reviewing their notes – especially if you’re college bound. No written assignment does not mean “no homework.”
Class Participation Being prepared Class work Attentive and on task
Quizzes Modern America; International Relations; Global Studies ONLY 10 Questions Multiple Choice Occasionally short answer Purpose: quizzes act as a(n) –(A) point of alert –(B) point of confidence –(C) source of study
Reflection Assignments Philosophy Course Only Purpose: –Apply and consider concepts presented in course to one’s own life –Personal in nature –Must demonstrate a critical analysis of the concept and its application to one’s self
Tests TESTS = 40% Averaged Multiple Choice Short Answer/Identification –ESSAY – may be provided in advance (not always – if there is an essay on your tests you will always be made aware when the test is announced)
My Goals for You Modern America; Global Studies; International Relations Provide students with the tools necessary to become a productive citizen. Improve writing skills. Identify major themes of the course. Develop a better understanding of geography. Have students recognize those that have come before them and, as a result, have a better appreciation for history and the privileges they enjoy as U.S. citizens, and citizens of the World.
My Goals for You Philosophy Develop the ability to be critical in your thoughts Consider your habits Critique various philosophers and philosophies Develop one’s own philosophy Describe philosophical concepts as they apply to you Identify significant contributors to the field of philosophy and their thematic views Question; Question; Question
My Help to You What am I doing to help you succeed? After school everyday –(please let me know if you plan to stay for learning enhancement) Contact information on the website –Reach out to me with questions/concerns (I can’t read your mind!) I want to see you succeed; If my presentation of material is helping I have other resources and strategies I can employ. Website Updated daily – every other day at the least Homework assignments will be noted on-line Key Resources – power points; handouts; syllabus; etc.
Notecards First and Last Name Name you preferred to be called Sports; Hobbies/Interests If you play a sport at PHS let me know If you have a passion/interest, help me get to know you Concerns/Questions Make me aware
On the back Modern America: What do you know about 9-11 (list everything) Philosophy: What is philosophy? –What comes to mind? –Thoughts about what a philosopher does? –Definition of the term?