אפקטיביות הממשלה בישראל פרופ ' מומי דהן בית הספר למדיניות ציבורית האוניברסיטה העברית
מהי אפקטיביות ? יכולת הממשלה לעצב וליישם באופן אפקטיבי מדיניות ציבורית עקבית
מדידת האפקטיביות : מקורות ContentSource Bureaucratic Quality/institutional effectiveness, Excessive bureaucracy/red tape Economist Intelligence Unit Quality of general infrastructure (Time spent by senior management dealing with government officials), Quality of primary education World Economic Forum Satisfaction with public transportation system, roads and highways and with education system Gallup World Poll Coverage: public schools, basic health, drinking water, electric grid, transport infrastructure, maintenance and waste disposal French Ministry of the Economy Bureaucratic Quality Political Risk Services International Country Risk Infrastructure disruption, State failure, Policy instability. Global Insight Policy adapt quickly, implementation, Bureaucratic business friendly, efficiency of public services Institute of Management, Lausann
מדד אפקטיביות הממשלה, 2014 Source: World Bank, The Worldwide Governance Indicators, 2015 Update, 25/9/2015. Definition: Reflects perceptions of the quality of public services, the quality of the civil service and the degree of its independence from political pressures, the quality of policy formulation and implementation, and the credibility of the government's commitment to such policies. Ranges from approximately -2.5 (weak) to 2.5 (strong) governance.
מדד אפקטיביות הממשלה Source: World Bank, The Worldwide Governance Indicators, 2015 Update, 25/9/2015. Definition: Reflects perceptions of the quality of public services, the quality of the civil service and the degree of its independence from political pressures, the quality of policy formulation and implementation, and the credibility of the government's commitment to such policies. Ranges from approximately -2.5 (weak) to 2.5 (strong) governance.
הגורמים המשפיעים על אפקטיביות הממשלה
Source: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April התוצר לנפש ( אלפי דולרים PPP), 2014
Source: World Bank, The Worldwide Governance Indicators, 2015 Update, 25/9/2015 and International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April Note: Government Effectiveness reflects perceptions of the quality of public services, the quality of the civil service and the degree of its independence from political pressures, the quality of policy formulation and implementation, and the credibility of the government's commitment to such policies. התוצר לנפש ואפקטיביות הממשלה
הגורמים המשפיעים על אפקטיביות הממשלה הוצאות הממשלה
Source: OECD, National Accounts at a Glance, Total expenditure of general government, percentage of GDP, extracted on 30 Sep משקל הוצאות הממשלה בתוצר, 2013
Source: World Bank, The Worldwide Governance Indicators, 2015 Update, 25/9/2015 and OECD, National Accounts at a Glance, Total expenditure of general government, percentage of GDP, extracted on 30 Sep משקל הוצאות הממשלה ואפקטיביות
הגורמים המשפיעים על אפקטיביות הממשלה רמת המקצועיות של המינהל הציבורי
Source: OECD, Government at a Glance 2013, Public Sector Employment and Pay. שכר המנהלים הבכירים בשירות הציבורי
Source: World Bank, The Worldwide Governance Indicators, 2015 Update, 25/9/2015 and OECD, Government at a Glance 2013, Public Sector Employment and Pay. שכר המנהלים הבכירים ואפקטיביות
אי השוויון בשכר בשירות הציבורי ( היחס בין שכר המנהלים הבכירים ביותר לשכר המזכירות ) Source: OECD, Government at a Glance 2013, Public Sector Employment and Pay.
אי השוויון בשכר הציבורי ואפקטיביות Source: World Bank, The Worldwide Governance Indicators, 2015 Update, 25/9/2015 and OECD, Government at a Glance 2013, Public Sector Employment and Pay.
Source: OECD, Survey on Strategic Human Resources Management in Central/Federal Governments, unpublished. Note: A career-based system is characterized by competitive selection early on in the public servants’ career with higher-level posts open to public servants only. Career-based systems may cultivate a dedicated, experienced group of civil servants. In contrast, in a position-based system, candidates apply directly to a specific post and most posts are open to both internal and external applicants. שיטת גיוס עובדים לשירות הציבורי מכרז פנימי Career based= מכרז חיצוני Position based=
Source: OECD, Survey on Strategic Human Resources Management in Central/Federal Governments, unpublished. The Worldwide Governance Indicators, 2015 Update. Note: A career-based system is characterized by competitive selection early on in the public servants’ career with higher-level posts open to public servants only. Career-based systems may cultivate a dedicated, experienced group of civil servants. In contrast, in a position-based system, candidates apply directly to a specific post and most posts are open to both internal and external applicants. גיוס עובדים ואפקטיביות הממשלה מכרז פנימי =0, מכרז חיצוני =1
Source: The Quality of Government (QoG) Expert Survey, גיוס מבוסס קשרים פוליטיים
Source: World Bank, The Worldwide Governance Indicators, 2015 Update, 25/9/2015 and The Quality of Government (QoG) Expert Survey, גיוס מבוסס קשרים פוליטיים ואפקטיביות
Source: OECD, Budgeting Practices and Procedures in OECD countries, Note: Budget Concentration index ranges from 0 (decentralized) to 10 (concentrations). מידת הריכוזיות בתהליך התקצוב
Source: World Bank, The Worldwide Governance Indicators, 2015 Update, 25/9/2015 and OECD, Budgeting Practices and Procedures in OECD countries, Note: Budget Concentration index ranges from 0 (decentralized) to 10 (concentrations). ריכוזיות תקציבית ואפקטיביות הממשלה
Source: OECD, Government at a Glance 2015, Production costs as a percentage of GDP. Note: Outsourcing index is calculated as the ratio between the costs of goods and services used and financed by general government, and the compensation of general government employees. היקף מיקור החוץ
Source: World Bank, The Worldwide Governance Indicators, 2015 Update, 25/9/2015 and OECD, Government at a Glance 2015, Production costs as a percentage of GDP. Note: Outsourcing index is calculated as the ratio between the costs of goods and services used and financed by general government, and the compensation of general government employees. מיקור חוץ ואפקטיביות הממשלה
סיכום קשר חיובי –רמת שכר –מיקור חוץ –גיוס מבוסס מכרז חיצוני קשר שלילי –ריכוזיות תקציבית –גיוס עובדים מבוסס קשרים פוליטיים –מינוי מנהלים על בסיס עמדות או קשרים פוליטיים אין קשר –ביטחון תעסוקתי –גיל סגל השירות הציבורי –עומס שעות העבודה בשירות הציבורי
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