DALCON RFID IMPROVEMENT ECE 599, SPRING 2011 Brad Gasior, ECE Mike Fradkin, ECE Richard Young, ECE Sean Rinehart, ECE
Outline Background Information Project Overview Operational Concept Project Requirements Development Approach Components and Interfacing Testing Demonstration Conclusions
Background Information The Dalcon Remote Alert Monitor (RAM) is a device that monitors sensors in a patients hospital room. When the RAM senses an alarm, it sends a wireless alert to a nursing station and alerts to available nurses’ phone. The RAM then logs data on what the alarm was, what time it occurred, and how long it took for the alarm to be responded too This project adds the capability to track the unique identity of the nurse that responded to the alert.
RAM Overview RAM Monitoring Peripherals
RFID Operational Concept RFID tag communicates wirelessly with Sparkfun RFID Reader Sparkfun RFID Reader receives information form the tag and sends it to the Dalcon RAM via UART Dalcon RAM receives UART data and stores it into memory
Project Requirements This project will add RFID reading capabilities to the RAM so as to be able to track the unique ID number of the nurse that responds to an alarm. Demonstrate the RFID functionality with a PIC18F development board Display unique nurse ID on the LCD screen on the development board. This development board uses the same microprocessor chip as the RAM. Select a COTS RFID card and interfacing method Keep cost relatively low (most cards are in $25-30 range)
Existing RAM Block Diagram
Improved RAM Block Diagram
Development Approach Use COTS RFID reader to receive information form RFID tag Develop software using C programming language to transmit data being received from RFID tag to PICDEM2 plus processor (PIC18F4520) via UART interface Display UART data on the PICDEM 2 Plus LCD display using C programming language to prove the data can be read form memory
RFID Components Sparkfun ID12 RFID card PICDEM 2 Plus Development board
Linksprite Card Complications Sponsor supplied COTS RFID card Absence of proper documentation support Datasheets in Chinese Datasheets do not match board P/N No clear explanation for SPI interface in datasheets Poor technical support Absence of support over the phone Absence of online support Forums are used as a support
Advantages of Sparkfun ID12 Highly detailed documentation, multiple tutorials and sample codes for similar microprocessors Decent online technical support (quick responses) “Breakout board” with mini USB port to simplify card diagnostics UART interface
RFID Card Features Compact design 26 mm x 25 mm x 7 mm Build in antenna Allows 3 different output data formats: ASCII Magnetic Emulation Wiegand 26 Only TX is required No need to send any commands to the reader to initiate data transmission Once tag is scanned data is automatically sent via UART to the external device
PICDEM 2 Plus Development board PIC Development Board uses a PIC 18F4520 microcontroller. Interfaces using ICD3 programmer/debugger. Programmed using MPLAB software development environment. Uses 40 pin, double row jumper for connection. Integrated LCD board where RF identity will be displayed.
UART Interface UART (Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter): Serial communication Takes bytes of data and transmits individual bits in a sequential fashion At the destination UART re-assembles the bits into complete bytes
UART with ID-12 Reader Hardware: Software:
LCD Library Problems LCD library supplied with the compiler did not match LCD configuration on PICDEM 2 Plus development board PICDEM2 Plus LCD is connected to Port D Unable to edit existing library (protected ) Microchip website/software does not have correct library Code for correct LCD library has been found online and library has been created
Testing Sparkfun ID-12 RFID reader functionality: Read range 12 cm (datasheet value) 3-4 cm (tested value) Tested via USB cable and Sparkfun RFID Kit Putty and Hyper Terminal was used to display results Tested with Arduino Development Board Used external LCD to display results Tested with PICDEM 2 Plus Development Board Used built in LCD to display results C-Code functionality: Scanned different tags Scanned tags with different time intervals between each scan From less than 1 second up to 1 min
Final Design ** Add picture of RFID card in actual application** ** Will be added once fixture is ready
Conclusions Difficulties –. SPI interfacing Did not find good explanation of exact methods for programming. A predominantly software oriented design project with no CECS students. Nothing difficult but would have made it easier Suggestions – Let a design project decide what components to use and thoroughly explore the multitude of options available. This allows students a more thorough understanding of the components used and processes involved in selection and integration.