Hunger Relief Fast Facts This resource is provided by the gifts of Alabama Baptists through the Cooperative Program.
Food Insecure Very low food security a USDA term that means one or more people in the household were hungry over the course of the year because of inability to afford enough food.
Child Poverty 15 million, or approximately 20%, of children in the USA live in poverty. 8 million, or 19% of households with children under age 18, were food- insecure in –USDA
Under-nutrition Millions of poor children suffer from chronic under-nutrition. This can lead to: –impaired cognitive development, –growth failure, –physical weakness, –anemia, and –stunting. [Tufts University School of Nutrition]
Under-Nourished Even mild under- nutrition during critical periods of growth impacts young children, –their behavior, –their school performance, and –their overall cognitive development.
Hunger Increasing 18 million children lived in food-insecure households in 2012, An increase of 15% over –[USDA/ERS, Household Food Security in the United States]
Seniors 30% of client households with seniors had to choose between buying food and paying for utilities and heating fuel. [Hunger in America 2012]
Hungry Working Families Nearly half of all non- elderly low-income families that used a food pantry last year were working families with children. [Urban Institute, Many Families Turn to Food Pantries for Help]
Poverty 70% of all client households served by the America's Second Harvest Network have annual incomes below the federal poverty line for 2012.
40 Million Americans It is estimated that during 2012, 40 million people lived in households that at some time were unable to acquire enough food because of insufficient money.
Children Overall, households with children had more than twice the rate of food insecurity as those without children.
Meals frequently skipped 9 million people, including 3 million children, live in homes that experience hunger where meals are frequently skipped or individuals go without food for a whole day. [U.S. Department of Agriculture, Household Food Security in the United States, 2008]
Alabama’s Hunger
19.2% of population is food insecure That is 919,670 Alabamians –(Feeding America, Map the Meal Gap)
Alabama’s Hunger Current state unemployment rate is 6.1% –Families’ struggle to afford necessities follows closely on their employment status and wages—and the most basic necessity is food.
Alabama’s Hunger According to *FRAC, Alabama has the 2nd highest food hardship rate in the nation –(25.2% of the population) –1.2 Million Alabamians *Food Research & Action Center Inc
Alabama’s Hunger With relation to the *SNAP program, the participation rate of eligible persons in Alabama is 65% –(FRAC 2010 State of the States report) –*Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
What Southern Baptists are doing about the plight of Hunger in North America:
Over $1.1 million in Domestic Hunger Funds was distributed to 1,800 hunger ministries in the U.S. in Over $1.1 million in Domestic Hunger Funds was distributed to 1,800 hunger ministries in the U.S. in Over 5 million meals were fed to the hungry in North American with Domestic Hunger Funds. Over 5 million meals were fed to the hungry in North American with Domestic Hunger Funds.
The Gospel was shared with over 1 million people, at their point of need. The Gospel was shared with over 1 million people, at their point of need. There were over 30,000 professions of faith through hunger ministries. There were over 30,000 professions of faith through hunger ministries.
Hunger Relief Fast Figures
Alabama World Hunger Offering 2013: $828, : $809,952.38
Alabama Totals World Hunger Clearing YearAmount 2013$828, $809, $863, $749, $796, $771, $723, $678, $705, $737, Grand Total$6,835, Increased 2.3% Inflation was 1.5%
SBC Global Hunger Relief SBC total $4,610,427 of which, Alabama sent $621,374 Alabama provided 13% of the total Preliminary data for 2013 is similar
A Dollar In – A Dollar Out Because personnel and volunteers are already in place, and promotional expenses come through other budgets % of your gift is used to minister to the hungry in Jesus’ name A dollar in…a dollar out to help hungry people! No other relief organization can make this promise!