Uncle Sam—He the Man!
Don’t Mess with the U. S.
“ Huns Kill Women and Children!”
1917 – Selective Service Act Authorized a local draft of young men into military service By end of 1918 – 24,000,000 men registered for the draft. 4,800,000 men served in WW1 (2,000,000 saw active combat). African-Americans - 400,000 served in segregated units.
Managing the Economy War Industries Board – Bernard Baruch Oversaw production of war supplies Controlled prices, production, and materials Food Administration – Herbert Hoover a Regulated food consumption, agricultural output, reduce waste Victory gardens Fuel Administration – Gasless days, daylight savings time
Managing the Economy (cont’d) National War Labor Board – W.H.Taft & Frank P. Walsh Mediated labor disputes to prevent work stoppages War Trade Board – Licensed foreign trade and punished those suspected of trading w/ the enemy Why would both of these things be important to the war effort?
Financing the War Increased Taxes Liberty Bonds and Victory Bonds – Bonds purchased could be redeemed later for the money paid plus interest Citizens loaning money to gov’t Related to Propaganda effort
U. S. Food Administration
National War Garden Commission
U. S. School Garden Army
U. S. Shipping Board
U. S. Fuel Administration
Committee of Public Information (George Creel) Purposes – Unite public behind war effort Attract men to enlist in army Influence citizens to actively support war effort (buy bonds, conserve, etc) and put pressure on others to refrain from anything considered anti-war
“Remember Belgium”
The “Mad Brute”
Beat Back the “Hun”
The “Menace of the Seas”
Government Excess & Threats to the Civil Liberties of Americans 1.Espionage Act 1.Espionage Act – 1917 –Forbade actions that obstructed recruitment or efforts to promote insubordination in the military. –Ordered the Postmaster General to remove Leftist materials from the mail. –Fines of up to $10,000 and/or up to 20 years in prison.
Government Excess & Threats to the Civil Liberties of Americans Sedition Act 2. Sedition Act – it was a crime to speak against the purchase of war bonds or willfully utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about this form of US Govt., the US Constitution, or the US armed forces or to willfully urge, incite, or advocate any curtailment of production of things necessary or essential to the prosecution of the war…with intent of such curtailment to cripple or hinder, the US in the prosecution of the war.
Government Excess & Threats to the Civil Liberties of Americans Schenk vs. United States –1 st Amendment freedom of speech can be limited when the words constitute a “clear and present danger” –“When a nation is at war, many things that might be said in times of peace are such a hindrance to its effort that their utterance will not be endured so long as soldiers fight”
YWCA – The Blue Triangle
Munitions Work
The Girls They Left Behind Do Their Bit!
Women Used In Recruitment Hello, Big Boy!
Even Grandma Buys Liberty Bonds
The Red Cross - Greatest Mother in the World
The Red Cross Nurse
National League for Woman’s Service
Opportunities for African-Americans in WW1 War industries work “Great Migration.” 1916 – 1919 NORTH Enlistment in segregated units.
True Sons of Freedom
For “Colored” Men in Service
African-Americans on a Troop Ship Headed for France
The “Flag of Liberty” Represents All of Us!
We are ALL Americans!