OCEANS Cover 71% of the earth. Contains 97% planets water Oceans support 50% of all of the species on earth.
OCEAN Sunlight zone is 600 ft deep. Animals include: Atlantic hagfish, salmon, basking shark, gray whale
OPEN OCEAN Divided into many zones 90% of Ocean is in the midnight zone (no light and freezing temperatures) Animals in the midnight zone are: angler fish, sea cucumber, vampire squid. Deepest part is 36,000 ft. deep. (7 miles) located in Mariana Islands in the pacific.
POLAR SEAS Artic Ocean Southern Ocean Have ice at their surface Denser than other ocean water Animals: polar bears, penguins
CORAL REEFS Found in shallow, warm water with a constant yr. round temperature. Located near the equators Largest coral reef is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Reefs grow slow; 1 in. in 100 years. Corals are made up of polyps. Thousands of polyps form a reef.
REEFS Animals- many fragile animals have adapted to this ecosystem. Included are stonefish, clown anemone fish, barracuda, porcupine fish.
KELP FOREST Occur in cold, nutrient rich water. Kelp grows in clear shallow water feet. Kelp can grow 2 ft. per day. Kelp is the largest marine algae. LOCATION: Argentina, South Africa, Australia, and California Coast.
KELP FOREST PROBLEMS: over harvesting, runoff carrying pesticides and pollution. ANIMALS: Ocean sunfish, nettle jellyfish, gray whale, sea otter
MANGROVE FOREST Thrive near the mouth of large rivers. Mangrove roots help protect the coastline and prevent erosion. There are 15.9 million hectares (60,000 sq. miles) of mangrove forests. Mangrove forest are found in Argentina, Africa, India and Florida
MANGROVE FOREST Mangrove have special aerial roots that enable them to thrive in brackish water. There are several types of mangrove forests.
ROCKY SHORES FOUND OUT ALL OVER THE WORLD ARE DIFFERENT DEPENDING ON THE LOCATION: Pacific northwest is steep and rocky cliffs Southwest coast- cliffs gently slope into the sea. Southwest coast- cliffs gently slope into the sea. ANIMALS: conger eel California sea lion, Harbor seal