Cavity Ring Down at Low Temperatures: Application to Atmospheric Chemistry Carlos E. Manzanares Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Baylor University Waco, Texas 76798
Acknowledgements Baylor University Dr. Ernest K. LewisDr. Craig J. Moehnke Dr. Alfredo Lopez-CalvoDr. Juan G. Navea Helena Diez y RiegaYasnahir Perez Delgado Nicholas HernandezJenny Barroso David Camejo Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela: Dr. Mary C. Salazar, Dr. Antonio J. Hernandez The Robert A. Welch Foundation The Quantum Optics Initiative funded by the O.N.R., Texas A&M, and the Vice Provost for Research at Baylor University
Atmospheric Chemistry
Earth: Temperature Profile
Atmospheric Photolysis Rates
Calculated (J) for H 2 SO 4 Photolysis H 2 SO 4 + h ν -> SO 3 + H 2 O Vaida et al., Science, (2003), 299,
How to obtain σ Experimental: Multipass ‘White’ Cell Experimental: Cavity Ring Down Theoretical: Calculations of Overtone Intensities
PS-CRD Signal
Experimental Technique
Low Temperature Cryostat
Integrated Cross Section
Atmospheric Photolysis Rates
Ethyl acetate
Ethyl acetate: activation energy
+ Ethyl acetate: transition state h
Titan’s Atmosphere
Summary A Cavity ring down spectrometer has been constructed to obtain high vibrational overtone spectra of molecules. Experiments at low pressures and low temperatures ( K) provide σ( ) values simulating atmospheric conditions. Low temperature ( K) quantum yields of chemical reactions are being obtained for vibrationally excited molecules under atmospheric conditions.