Factor V Leiden: The Copenhagen City Heart Study and 2 meta-analyses by Klaus Juul, Anne Tybjærg-Hansen, Rolf Steffensen, Steen Kofoed, Gorm Jensen, and Børge Grønne Nordestgaard Blood Volume 100(1):3-10 July 1, 2002 ©2002 by American Society of Hematology
Study design. Klaus Juul et al. Blood 2002;100:3-10 ©2002 by American Society of Hematology
Survival functions for FVL carriers (heterozygotes + homozygotes) and noncarriers in The Copenhagen City Heart Study. Klaus Juul et al. Blood 2002;100:3-10 ©2002 by American Society of Hematology
Meta-analyses on myocardial infarction risk in FVL carriers (heterozygotes + homozygotes).Studies are listed according to their weight. Klaus Juul et al. Blood 2002;100:3-10 ©2002 by American Society of Hematology
Meta-analyses on ischemic stroke risk in FVL carriers (heterozygotes + homozygotes).Studies are listed according to their weight. Klaus Juul et al. Blood 2002;100:3-10 ©2002 by American Society of Hematology