1 Pupil Accounting for High School and Alternative Ed. Staff Shiawassee RESD September 22, 2014
2 AGENDA 1.Count Dates 2.Requirements for Membership 3.Days and Hours of Instruction 4.Legislative Update 5.PAM Revisions 1-Required Documentation 2-Days and Hours of Pupil Instruction 3-Pupil Membership Count Requirements 4-Pupil Residency 5GA–Postsecondary (Dual) Enrollment 5GB– Early Middle College 5K -Special Education Early Childhood 5OA-Virtual Learning, Distance Learning, Ind. Study 5OB- Seat Time Waiver 5OC- Cyber Schools 5OD- Expanded Online Learning 5QA- Section 23a Dropout Recovery Program 5QB- Section 25e Pupil Membership Transfers 6B - Peer-to-Peer Elective Course Credit Program 6.MSDS and Timelines 7.Auditing 8.GAD 9.Evaluation
– 15 COUNT DATES 1st Wednesday in October October 1, 2014 2 nd Wednesday in February February 11, 2015 If not in session, use the day immediately after with approval of the State Superintendent Block scheduling – O.K.
5 Requirements for Membership A pupil may be counted in state school aid membership if a district insures that all of the following occur: The pupil is: Less than 20 years on September 1 of the current school year Special Education and less than 26 by September 1 AND have not received a diploma a certificate of completion is not a diploma may have a GED and count for membership in spec. ed.
6 Requirements for Membership The pupil is a resident of the district. If the pupil is not a resident, there are exceptions and special provisions that must be met and verified. (See green document) Correction: #17 on Non-Resident side should be on Resident Side
7 Requirements for Membership Pupil must have enrolled in the district prior to or on the count date. The pupil must be present on the count date. If absent on the count day, the district must verify the pupil return to school for all class periods for instruction. If the absence was excused – Must attend within 30 calendar days If the absence was unexcused – Must have been enrolled and in attendance prior to count day and must attend within 10 school days.
8 SUSPENDED OR EXPELLED PUPIL ON COUNT DAY A pupil who was enrolled and in attendance in a district before the pupil membership count day or supplemental count day but was expelled or suspended on the pupil membership count day or supplemental count day shall only be counted in membership if the pupil resumed attendance within 45 days after the pupil membership or supplemental count date. SAA 6(8) (PAM Section 3)
9 Transfer of School Records Request records within 14 days Revised School Code ( ) A school will send a copy of the “school record” to the new enrolling school within 30 days. The No Child Left Behind Act requires that disciplinary records, with respect to suspension and expulsion, are transferred to the new enrolling school.
10 DAYS and Hours of Pupil Instruction 1098 hours for grades K-12 DAY REQUIREMENT MINIMUM 175 DAYS for AND Unless CBA as of July 1, 2013 MINIMUM 180 DAYS for Seat Time Waiver GenNET Waiver May have own waiver Waiver for alternative education programs
Days and Hours of Pupil Instruction Beginning Professional Development hours not countable as instructional time (Unless CBA as of 7/1/13) Must still provide 5 days of teacher PD 11
12 Days and Hours of Pupil Instruction Forgiven Days / Hours The first 6 days or equivalent number of hours that scheduled pupil instruction had to be cancelled beyond the control of the district, may be counted as hours of instruction Weather Fires Epidemics Utility power unavailability Water or sewer failure 6 additional days after April 1 may be waived with permission of the State Superintendent.
13 Days and Hours of Pupil Instruction 60% attendance required instead of 75% for days added to end of school year 75% penalty is applied to entire district
14 Attendance Records Electronic Attendance – state guidelines Must be signed by the teacher on a weekly basis at a minimum Must be printed and signed weekly for the full week prior to count day (M-F), count week and 30 calendar days after the count date District must have an electronic attendance procedure.
15 Attendance Records Attendance Records must be taken class-by-class Attendance must be taken every day District –wide standard with minimum of letters or symbols. Teachers including substitutes are the only individuals that may take attendance. Office staff may make changes or may record attendance for a substitute. Sub teachers should be informed.
16 Attendance Records (cont.) Drop and transfer dates should be clearly indicated Positive attendance if class does not meet everyday Official document must be printed and signed by the teacher.
PUPIL MEMBERSHIP Membership blend is for current year 90% October and 10% of February 18
Foundation Allowance Basic foundation allowance = $8099(+$50) Minimum foundation allowance = $7126(+$50) With c equity payment increased to $7251 PSA maximum foundation = $7218 Section 22j Performance Based funding $30/pupil for pupils in grades 3-8 meeting math performance standards and $40/pupil for grades 9-12 meeting standards in all subjects tested. 19
20 Best Practices Incentive Section 22f Extra $50/pupil LEA/PSA - Must meet 7/9 best practices by June 1, 2015 Section 81 3.1% increase ISD – Must meet 5/6 best practices by June 1, 2015
Dual Enrollment Incentive Payments District must pay eligible charges but not transportation costs, parking costs or activity fees. (21b) Section 64b – 1.75 million for district that provide dual enrollment options to 9-12 pupils Incentive of $10/credit hour for up to 3 credits for each pupil enrolled plus $30/pupil per course if pupil successfully completes course and is awarded both high school and college credit. 21
MVU Funding – Section 98 Reduces appropriation $2million to $ m Changes language from “do” to “support” implementation and improvements to effective digital learning instruction and review of online course. Online course catalogue- report number of pupils that earn 60% or more of total course points, rather than successfully complete. MVU must collaborate with key stakeholders to improve functionality of statewide catalog and examine district level accountability and teacher effectiveness related to Section 21f online learning and make recommendations and findings public. 22
ADULT ED FUNDING MODEL CHANGED ISDs serve as fiscal agents over 10 Prosperity Regions GISD is fiscal agent for Region 6 Payment now: 75% enrollment and 25% completion 23
Violation of School Aid Act School official or board member who neglects or refuses to do something required by the Act or violated the Act is guilty of a misdemeanor, jail up to 90 days, and fine of $1500, in addition to other financial penalties identified in the Act. 24
Noncertified Teachers and Counselors School official who knowingly employs non-certificated personnel after MDE notification is guilty of a misdemeanor, fine of $1500 per instance, and that fine is in addition to other financial penalties specified in the Act. (Section163) 25
26 PUPIL ACCOUNTING MANUAL (PAM) Under constant revision Put in a notebook with tabs Insert other documents Print by sections – GISD Pupil Accounting website Scroll to Pupil Accounting in the Quick Link area
27 MDE Pupil Accounting Manual Revisions _ ,00.html
SECTION 2 DAYS AND HOURS OF PUPIL INSTRUCTION 175 days for Hours may not include teacher PD Unless CBA as of 07/01/2013 May get waiver Rescheduled days at end of year only need 60% attendance 29
31 SECTION 4 PUPIL RESIDENCY It is the enrolling district’s responsibility to verify the residency of the pupil. District decides proof A pupil is a resident of the district in which the parents or legal guardian resides, regardless of who has custody. Exceptions (green sheet) PSAs do not worry about residency but must submit resident district in the MSDS NEW**If a pupil currently attending a district becomes homeless, the residency coded reported in MSDS does not change.
SECTION 5-D HOMEBOUND AND HOSPITALIZED PUPILS General Education Instruction MUST be scheduled and occur each and every week of the count period Two 45-minute periods/week (Mon.-Sun.) Unless pupil too ill to receive services – teacher must verify School canceled district-wide during the week for 3+ days Pro-rate to part time if not delivered Hours/week x # weeks per year/1098 Can also claim as part-time if no Dr. state. 32
SECTION 5-D HOMEBOUND AND HOSPITALIZED PUPILS Special Education 1.Instruction MUST be scheduled and occur each and every week of the count period Two 1 nonconsecutive periods/week (Mon.- Sun.) 2.Dr. statement If 1 or 2 is missing, FTE = 0. Prorating allowed only if pupil’s schedule < full schedule. 33
Types of Virtual Learning Courses 1.Virtual Learning, Online Learning, or Computer Courses Offered On-site Certificated Teacher present in classroom May take unlimited number of classes Grades K-12 2.Virtual Learning, Online Learning, Or Computer Courses Offered On-Site Adult present in classroom Certified teacher employed by district is mentor and teacher of record Limited to 2 classes Grades K-12 38
Types of Virtual Learning Courses (cont.) 3. Self-Scheduled Virtual Learning No regular daily attendance required Must take one class that requires attendance Teacher of Record On-site mentor Limited to 2 courses per count Grades K-12 39
Online courses offered to pupil enrolled in grades 6-12, in which the pupils are separated from their teachers by time or location, or both, that meet the requirement of Section 21f of the SAA (MCL f), shall be provided following the legislation for expanded online learning as described in Section 5-O-D of the PAM. 40
Distance Learning Certificated Teacher via two-way communication over T.V. monitor (i.e. GenNET Classes) May take unlimited number of classes Certified teacher shall be an employee of the school district or that is part of a cooperative agreement. Adult present in classroom 41
Independent Study Course May be virtual Limited to 2 courses per count Certified Teacher of Record Must take one class that requires attendance Grades
BLENDED LEARNING Hybrid instructional delivery model where pupils are provided face-to-face instruction, in part at a supervised school facility away from home and partially through computer-based and internet- connected learning environments with some degree of pupil control over time, location, and pace of instruction. 50% of course instructional time must be on-site face-to-face instruction Teacher of Record Limit of 2 classes Physically in attendance on count day 43
44 Section 5-O-B Seat Time Waivers
STW application was due to MDE by September 12, 2014 for implementation for the October 1, 2014 count day. After this date, review is for second semester. 45
Requirements for Counting Membership (STW) 1.The pupil must meet pupil membership eligibility requirements 2.The pupil shall be enrolled and attending on the count day(s) 3.The pupil must meet both attendance and participation requirements. 46
Requirements for Counting Membership (STW) a)Attendance shall be measured using one of the following methods: Option 1 Physically present for scheduled on- site instruction at the school site on count day or the first day after the count day that the pupil is scheduled for on-site instruction. The pupil must attend one period for each course scheduled under the STW Each period must represent the same amount of time as if delivered traditionally If absent, the pupil must follow the 10/30 day rule. 47
Requirements for Counting Membership (STW) a.Attendance Option 2 The pupil logs into at least one program-sponsored online course shown on this/her class schedule on count day The pupil logs into at least one program-sponsored online course shown on the class schedule on nine separate days during the 30- day count period for a total of 10 logins on separate days. For a pupil who has an excused absence on count day, the pupil must complete a login on each of 10 days within the 30 calendar days of the count period. District must be able to provide vendor log-in record 48
Requirements for Counting Membership (STW) b. Participation: Two-way interaction between the pupil and the teacher of record Must occur at least one time /week for the four week count period Must be educational in nature (course/content specific) May be by , telephone, instant messaging, face-to-face Must be documented Must be available to the pupil membership auditor upon request. 50
Requirements for Counting Membership (STW) The district may not claim any FTE for a pupil who does not meet both the attendance and participation requirement of the STW program. 52
Requirements for Counting Membership (STW) Each course shall count as one class The pupil must have a course-specific class schedule for the current count that includes all enrolled courses counted toward membership for the pupil. The teacher of record will serve as on-site mentor. STW pupils must meet the requirements defined for the specific programs or course types in which they are enrolled The district may adopt additional requirements. 53
54 Report Participation Codes in SIS Alternative Education (9220) (*) Seat Time Waiver (9229) (*) STW students will display on the alpha list with ** Students will be included in the Alt Ed column on the DS4061.
Section 5OD Section 21f of SAA Grades 6-12 District may count pupil for no more than 2 online courses per count. May count for more than 2 if previous success with online learning. Courses placed in local catalog or in the statewide catalog Teacher identified with course must have a valid MI teaching certificate Adult Mentor employed by district 57
SECTION 5-Q-A DROPOUT RECOVERY PROGRAM Section 23a Pupils enrolled in a dropout recovery program that meets the requirements of this section are eligible for 1/12 of an FTE or each month the pupil was enrolled in the program and was in full attendance. Reported in SRM. 59
SECTION 5-Q-B Section 21f FTE not transferable Representative sample will be audited More details later 61
SECTION 6-B Peer to Peer Elective Course Credit Program Strategy for providing ongoing support and modeling from one non-disabled pupil to a pupil with an IEP. 62
63 MSDS Reporting and Timelines
64 MSDS Collections Early Roster Direct Certification Reports General Collections (FTE +) Student Record Maintenance Graduation Rate Appeals Assessment Updates Section 23 Section 25 Early Childhood Request for UIC Teacher Student Data Link FTE Audit
65 Pupil Accounting Timeline
66 Pupil Accounting Timeline October 1Count day November 5MSDS File uploaded to CEPI November 12Final MSDS Certification November 14Pupil Accounting Documentation due to Auditor at GISD
67 AUDIT PROCEDURES Desk Audits Every building – every count Alpha Lists – MSDS Signed! See checklist Field Audits H.S.– every two years Mostly in the fall M.S. – every 4 years Elementary – every 4 years See checklist
DESK AUDIT PROCEDURES The ISD auditor will verify teacher certifications GISD auditor is requesting a list of teachers for the desk audit. (see checklist) Auditor will check 2% of teacher certifications through the MI On-line Educator Certification System. 68
69 FIELD AUDIT PROCEDURES The auditor must interview teachers and pupil accounting staff to inquire whether they are aware of any inappropriate alterations of their attendance records or any of the other teachers’ attendance records. 1.If your district were to inappropriately inflate pupil counts, how would it be done? 2.Are you aware of any attendance records being inappropriately changed? 3.Are you aware of the district claiming any inappropriate pupil counts or running inappropriate programs? 4.Is there anything else you would like me to know?
70 Graduation/Dropout Rates MSDS GAD
71 COHORT BASED GRADUATION & DROPOUT RATES Very Important!!! Accurate exit codes Accurate UIC Summer Grads Must have been reported by 9/17
Grad Appeal Process July 23 – September 17 Review cohort and PEPE reports in MSDS Make corrections in MSDS / SRM Report summer grads (on or before Aug. 31) Can’t claim FTE for student who was previously reported as a grad 72
73 Student Status Dropout – Reported as having dropped out MER – Missing expected record Marked as continuing Marked as transfer in state, not confirmed Exempt – Exited out of State, Exited to non-public Shared Time, non-public continuing – not included Uses Residency codes, not exit codes, ’19’ kids Graduation & Dropout Review
74 Exit code changes Prior to 8/31/13 – Can’t make in SRM Submit to auditors during audit cycle Look at ALL cohorts Even 2015,16,17,18 grads Clean up EVERYTHING that happened last year and prior Graduation & Dropout Review
75 After 9/17/14 Data taken out of MSDS, into GAD Preliminary grad/dropout rates 10/21/2014 Auditors run cyclical audit Audits completed by 12/05/2014 Changes not caught by 9/17 Auditors discretion CEPI will provide prelim rates – Oct. 21, 2014 Finalize rates Dec. 9,2014 – Jan. 10, 2015 1/31/15 rates finalized, reported to USED Graduation & Dropout Review
76 Questions?
77 Questions? Debra Hartman Business Services Administrator Pupil Accounting Auditor, GISD (810) Brenda Walther Connie Olejniczak Pupil Accounting Auditor, GISD (810) (810) Stacy Hodges Project Specialist (810)
Please complete evaluation 78