Héctor Istmod Devia Robayo ID Group 1
It is impossible to use translation as a pedagogical tool Translating in class is useful!
Validity: Research had showed that translation activities can enhance the four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) and develop accuracy, clarity and flexibility. The need of it: It is a real life communicative activity. Everybody is translating in foreign environments. In class learners translate for peers, decode signs, notices, instructions and letters for others. It promotes learning: It allows to access more information when working in their first language. Translation in ESL teaching learning class favors the analytically oriented learners.
The general attitude towards Translation is changing, because now it is seen translation as a legitimate pedagogical tool especially in EFL environment. Yes, translation deserves to be re-habilitated
Strategies are conscious plans for solving concrete translation problems in order to know how to handle difficult text and it is process of translating itself.
Technical 1)Source and Target Language. 2)Full study of source text. 3)Judging semantic and syntactic approximations. 1)Constant reevaluation of the text. 2)Contrasting with existing versions. 3)Checking communicative effectiveness. Organizational
It is the way learners will handle a whole texts, the general approach or philosophy that will encompass the translating method they will follow.
Here to procedures to handle smaller units o languages as Culture-Specific Concepts (CSCs), Culture-Bound Terms (CBT), allusion from Proper Names, and Key-Phrase allusions.
Key-Phrase Allusion Cultural Bound Terms Proper Names 1)Retain the name 2)Replace the name 3)Omit the name a. Use standard translations, b. Literal translation c. Add extra allusive guidance. e. Add intra allusive allusions. f. Replacement by a TL item g. Rephrase to reduce allusion. h. Creative construction of a passage which hints at the connotations of the allusion. i. Omission of the allusion. CBT, CSC and Key-phrase allusions Proper Names or PNs
Level and age: Taking into consideration the preferences of the learners, the pedagogical objectives and the moment-by-moment exigencies of class Direction: From L2 to L1 for lower levels. L1 to L2 for advanced learners. With few and easier exceptions. Organization: Careful preparation to integrate listening, writing, vocabulary and grammar practice. Usually translating activities are for homework. And, In order to promote discussion, testing and comparing ideas learners can work in pairs or groups.
Content aims: To find application within the communicative paradigm, and create challenging language activities. Criteria to follow: Set specific purpose. Create a desire to communicate. Encourage creativity and contribute learners’ ideas. Allow students work independently from the teacher.
Pedagogical and organizational items: The most effective way is a multi-directional, or multi-skill integration approach. Pre-translation (preparation) activities must be pre-writing. Translation activities can be used occasionally for consolidation. Post-translation activities may focus on rewording, rewriting, revision and evaluation. Post-reading should be for grammar or vocabulary practical tasks.