Human Rights Commission Bloomington Commission Update July 2015
If you feel you have been discriminated against in Bloomington, call the Bloomington Human Rights Commission at (TTY: ).If you feel you have been discriminated against in Bloomington, call the Bloomington Human Rights Commission at (TTY: ). Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights We can help!
The Commission has a brochure on mediation services available to individuals who feel they may have been discriminated against in Bloomington.The Commission has a brochure on mediation services available to individuals who feel they may have been discriminated against in Bloomington. The brochure is available in English and Spanish. For a copy of the brochure, call (TTY: ).The brochure is available in English and Spanish. For a copy of the brochure, call (TTY: ). Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights Mediation Brochure
The Minnesota Twins celebrate Diversity Day July 7 th, 7:10 p.m., at Target Field. Join in celebrating diversity in Twins Territory.The Minnesota Twins celebrate Diversity Day July 7 th, 7:10 p.m., at Target Field. Join in celebrating diversity in Twins Territory. Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights Go Twins!
Keep informed about HRC news and activities.Keep informed about HRC news and activities. E-Subscribe will automatically notify you when updates are posted to the City’s website about topics that you choose are important to you.E-Subscribe will automatically notify you when updates are posted to the City’s website about topics that you choose are important to you. To sign up for E-Subscribe, visit the City’s homepage at sign up for E-Subscribe, visit the City’s homepage at Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights E-Subscribe
The after hours message on the City’s answering machine has been recorded in Chinese, English, Russian, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese.The after hours message on the City’s answering machine has been recorded in Chinese, English, Russian, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights Recorded City Message
May we speak to your group? Commission members are available to make a presentation or discuss any concerns you may have. Call to schedule a Commissioner to speak or attend your group.May we speak to your group? Commission members are available to make a presentation or discuss any concerns you may have. Call to schedule a Commissioner to speak or attend your group. Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights May we speak to your group?
The HRC postcard is now available in several languages (English, Chinese, Russian, Somali, Spanish and Vietnamese).The HRC postcard is now available in several languages (English, Chinese, Russian, Somali, Spanish and Vietnamese). Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights Commission Postcard
The nine member Human Rights Commission meets the third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the McLeod Conference Room at the Bloomington Civic Plaza, 1800 West Old Shakopee Road.The nine member Human Rights Commission meets the third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the McLeod Conference Room at the Bloomington Civic Plaza, 1800 West Old Shakopee Road. The public is encouraged to attend.The public is encouraged to attend. Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights Get Involved!
On July 20 th, Dr. Joyce Ester, President of Normandale Community College, will discuss Normandale College’s Human Rights and Diversity activities.On July 20 th, Dr. Joyce Ester, President of Normandale Community College, will discuss Normandale College’s Human Rights and Diversity activities. Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights Speaker
The Bloomington HRC is seeking nominations for the Omar Bonderud Human Rights Award. The Commission is searching for a Bloomington business/organization or individual who has made a significant contribution to promote the human rights of Bloomington Citizens. Applications will be distributed July 21 st.The Bloomington HRC is seeking nominations for the Omar Bonderud Human Rights Award. The Commission is searching for a Bloomington business/organization or individual who has made a significant contribution to promote the human rights of Bloomington Citizens. Applications will be distributed July 21 st. To receive an application, call (TTY: ). Deadline for applications is August 28, 2015.To receive an application, call (TTY: ). Deadline for applications is August 28, Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights Human Rights Award
The Minnesota Department of Human Rights sponsored a Diversity Summit on June 24 th at the Minnesota Humanities Center. Issues addressed were WESA and Equal Pay, School Bullying, Diversity and Inclusion, Recidivism and Ban the Box, Olmstead, Workforce alignment that reflects the community, Voting Rights and Homelessness.The Minnesota Department of Human Rights sponsored a Diversity Summit on June 24 th at the Minnesota Humanities Center. Issues addressed were WESA and Equal Pay, School Bullying, Diversity and Inclusion, Recidivism and Ban the Box, Olmstead, Workforce alignment that reflects the community, Voting Rights and Homelessness. Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights Diversity Summit
A Native American organization called “Healing Minnesota Stories” is addressing its concern about the Minnesota State Capitol’s artwork and its incomplete version of history and offensive images of Native Americans. Nor does the art reflect the State’s diverse population. See Native American organization called “Healing Minnesota Stories” is addressing its concern about the Minnesota State Capitol’s artwork and its incomplete version of history and offensive images of Native Americans. Nor does the art reflect the State’s diverse population. See Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights Healing Minnesota Stories
The City of Bloomington has been selected for inclusion in the Human Rights Campaign’s 2015 Municipal Equality Index. The Index examines the laws, policies, and progress toward equality being made by US cities and municipalities. Bloomington was selected because it is one of the top five largest cities in the State. A draft scorecard will be available this summer for review.The City of Bloomington has been selected for inclusion in the Human Rights Campaign’s 2015 Municipal Equality Index. The Index examines the laws, policies, and progress toward equality being made by US cities and municipalities. Bloomington was selected because it is one of the top five largest cities in the State. A draft scorecard will be available this summer for review. Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights Human Rights Campaign Foundation
In recognition of International Day of Peace, September 21 st, the Bloomington Human Rights Commission will accept a Proclamation at the August 24 th Bloomington City Council meeting.In recognition of International Day of Peace, September 21 st, the Bloomington Human Rights Commission will accept a Proclamation at the August 24 th Bloomington City Council meeting. Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights International Day of Peace
“A Peace of Mind” Exhibit, a multi-media art project that fosters public dialogue about issues related to conflict resolution, civic responsibility and peace. The Exhibit is at the Bloomington Civic Plaza, September 14 – October 5, 2015.“A Peace of Mind” Exhibit, a multi-media art project that fosters public dialogue about issues related to conflict resolution, civic responsibility and peace. The Exhibit is at the Bloomington Civic Plaza, September 14 – October 5, Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights International Day of Peace Exhibit
John Noltner, author of the book, “A Peace of Mind”, will talk about the 100 interviews in his book and explore the meaning of peace, one story at a time. John will speak at the Bloomington Civic Plaza, Schneider Theater, September 22 nd.John Noltner, author of the book, “A Peace of Mind”, will talk about the 100 interviews in his book and explore the meaning of peace, one story at a time. John will speak at the Bloomington Civic Plaza, Schneider Theater, September 22 nd. Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights International Day of Peace Speaker
To celebrate the International Day of Peace, the Bloomington Human Rights Commission is hosting a Naturalization Ceremony Monday, September 9 th at Bloomington Civic Plaza. The US District Courts, District of Minnesota, will perform the ceremony to naturalize citizens from the southern Hennepin County area.To celebrate the International Day of Peace, the Bloomington Human Rights Commission is hosting a Naturalization Ceremony Monday, September 9 th at Bloomington Civic Plaza. The US District Courts, District of Minnesota, will perform the ceremony to naturalize citizens from the southern Hennepin County area. Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights Naturalization Ceremony
Stop by the Human Rights Commission booth during Heritage Days, Saturday, September 19 th. Also enjoy live multicultural entertainment sponsored by the Bloomington Human Rights Commission.Stop by the Human Rights Commission booth during Heritage Days, Saturday, September 19 th. Also enjoy live multicultural entertainment sponsored by the Bloomington Human Rights Commission. Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights Heritage Days
Commissioners plan to attend National Night Out Get-Togethers on August 4 th. Packets with HRC information will be distributed to National Night Out Neighborhoods throughout Bloomington.Commissioners plan to attend National Night Out Get-Togethers on August 4 th. Packets with HRC information will be distributed to National Night Out Neighborhoods throughout Bloomington. Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights National Night Out
The following individuals were elected as officers to fulfill terms expiring in May 2016:The following individuals were elected as officers to fulfill terms expiring in May 2016: Dennis Kane – ChairpersonDennis Kane – Chairperson Jessica Kietzman – First Vice-ChairpersonJessica Kietzman – First Vice-Chairperson Whitney Batterson – Second Vice-ChairpersonWhitney Batterson – Second Vice-Chairperson Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights Officers Elected:
Apr.MayJune Inquiries Inquiries Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Attempted to Resolve Attempted to Resolve Referred Back to State Referred Back to State Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights Quarterly Report
Join the Bloomington Human Rights Commission at a Community Event, July 23 rd, Bloomington Civic Plaza, to celebrate the recommitment to full implementation of the ADA. A Proclamation will be presented at the July 6 th City Council meeting.Join the Bloomington Human Rights Commission at a Community Event, July 23 rd, Bloomington Civic Plaza, to celebrate the recommitment to full implementation of the ADA. A Proclamation will be presented at the July 6 th City Council meeting. Bloomington Commission Update Human Rights ADA – 25 th Anniversary