The NC-CBE Project: Rethinking the Learning Journey August 9, 2016 The NC-CBE Project
What is Competency- Based Education? Refocuses learning and teaching around outcomes Uses the application of learning, not time, as the sole means of determining progress towards degree completion. Students progress at their own pace based on mastery of competencies Designed for individuals with prior work or life experience (e.g., veterans, underemployed, dislocated workers) Builds consensus with employers and improves alignment of training with industry needs.
What is the NC-CBE Project? The North Carolina Competency-Based Education Project is a collaborative statewide effort to design and build a sustainable and scalable competency-based Associates degree pathway. This high ‑ quality and affordable program model will provide students a flexible way to: get credit for what they already know, build on their knowledge and skills at their own pace, earn high-quality, industry-validated degrees and credentials, get a new job or advance along a career pathway, and earn a fair wage to support themselves and their family.
Collaborative Statewide Partnership 75+ Participants Central Piedmont Community College North Carolina Community College System Stanly Community College Forsyth Technical Community College Wake Technical Community College
Design Team Approach The NC-CBE Project includes a Curriculum Improvement Project surrounded by interrelated Improvement and Integration Projects. Each project is led by Design Team leads in key areas of College operations. Business Process Improvement Project IT Improvement Project Student Support Service Improvement Project CBE Curriculum Improvement Project
Phase I Summer 2016 Establish Teams Develop Common Language Survey Partner Colleges Distribute Readings & Primer Conduct PD Workshops
Upcoming Goals Fall 2016 and Beyond Work through refinement of a curriculum framework that has been selected. Select an appropriate course sequence for the two IT tracks. Define competencies within the framework and identify sub- competencies. Work with IT faculty to define industry-related competencies; communicate with business and industry partners.
Information Technology Improvement Project (ITIP)
CBE Curriculum Improvement Project (CCIP) Focused on One AAS Program - Information Technology (A25590) Two Tracks Computer Programming & Development Network Management Prescribed Program of Study Consensus across the project on general education and technical core Some freedom for local needs
Developing a Shared Language: Pedagogy Dictionary We are working with our partner institutions to develop a shared language around CBE.
The June 7 th NC-CBE Framework Workshop Criteria were developed so that it was clear what each institution valued in a framework. In teams, we participated in “test drive” exercises with the DOL, DQP, and LEAP frameworks. Benefits and challenges associated with each of the frameworks were articulated, and the decision was made that: “The North Carolina Competency-Based Education Project (NC-CBE Project) will develop a custom competency framework based on the Department of Labor’s Building Blocks Model Framework. The NC-CBE Competency Framework will incorporate the seven (7) Intellectual Skills of the Lumina Degree Qualifications Profile Framework (DQP) as well as language tied to the Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP) framework Essential Learning Outcomes developed by the American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U).”
The North Carolina Competency-Based Education Project Competency Framework Tier 6 - Management Competencies & Occupation-Specific Requirements Tier 1 - Personal Effectiveness Competencies Tier 2 – Intellectual Competencies Tier 3 – Workplace Competencies Tier 4 – Industry-Wide Technical Competencies Tier 5 – Industry-Sector Technical Competencies 1.Interpersonal Skills 2.Integrity 3.Professionalism 4.Initiative 5.Dependability & Reliability 6.Adaptability Flexibility 7.Lifelong Learning
Important Dates and Recap SemesterActivity Spring 2016IT Improvement Project Launch CBE Curriculum Improvement Project Launch Summer 2016IT Improvement Project Workshop CBE Curriculum Improvement Project Workshop Student Support Services Improvement Project Launch Business Process Improvement Project Launch Fall 2016Full NC-CBE Project Workshop Course Development Begins Fall 2017Pilot Spring 2018Evaluation and Dissemination
The NC-CBE Project Website
Frequently Asked Questions project/documents/copy_of_nccbefaq.pdf project/documents/copy_of_nccbefaq.pdf