OUTCOME 1 To demonstrate an awareness of the strategies that writers use in different writing contexts.
OUTCOME 2 To read, analyze, and synthesize complex texts and incorporate multiple kinds of evidence purposefully in order to generate and support writing.
OUTCOME 3 To produce complex, analytic, persuasive arguments that matter in academic contexts.
OUTCOME 4 To develop flexible strategies for revising, editing, and proofreading writing.
FREEWRITING ACTIVITY Rewrite Outcome 4 (or another outcome) in your own words. Discuss what this outcome means and how it contributes to good writing practices.
GROUP ACTIVITY With a partner, choose two of the portfolios online to read through. Grade it yourselves by using the rubric and worksheets. Fill out the worksheets and keep them for your own use.
GRAMMAR THROUGHOUT THIS QUARTER What are some grammar principles or other writing tips we covered this quarter? What are the rules you remember?
THE POWER OF GRAMMAR A woman without her man is nothing.
,, A woman, without her man, is nothing.
:, A woman: without her, man is nothing.
— A woman without—her man is nothing.
Punctuation has power. Think of punctuation in terms of pacing, intonation, and meaning rather than in terms of following rules. Punctuation doesn’t have to restrictive, but liberating.
GROUP ACTIVITY With a partner, read the following paragraph. Punctuate the following letter so that it reads as either a love letter or as a breakup letter
Dear John, I want a man who knows what love is all about you are generous kind thoughtful people who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior you have ruined me for other men I yearn for you I have no feelings whatsoever when we’re apart I can be forever happy will you let me be yours. Jane