Rochester Pathways
Rochester Pathways Guiding Principle Rochester Pathways are anchored in best practices and a theory of action that will close the skills and opportunity gap by preparing students for locally-available jobs and further studies.
Breaking down the Rochester Pathways Rochester Pathways are anchored in best practices and a theory of action that will close the skills and opportunity gap by preparing students for locally-available jobs and further studies. Edison Tech: Construction, Architecture, Design (reapproval this year) Carpentry, Masonry, Electrical, Interior Design, Architecture, and Others Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (approved last year, will amend) Optics, Robotics, NAF/PLTW Academy of Engineering, Automotive Technology, Manufacturing, and Others Digital Media Arts and Communication (reapproval this year) Advertising Design, Video Production, and Interactive Media Pathways to Technology Early College High School (PTECH) 6 year Associates Degree in Information and Network Technology Cybersecurity, Networking, and Cloud/Mobile Computing
Breaking down the Rochester Pathways Rochester Pathways are anchored in best practices and a theory of action that will close the skills and opportunity gap by preparing students for locally-available jobs and further studies. the Rochester Educational Opportunity Center (REOC): Career Pathways to Public Safety (just approved) Police/Criminal Justice, Firefighting, Emergency Communications, and EMT Cosmetology State Board Exams Rochester Early College International High School: Entrepreneurship (just approved) link to Virtual Enterprises and 9-12 Dual Enrollment Credits with Monroe Community College East High School/University of Rochester EPO Vision/Optics, Culinary Arts, Information Technology, Teaching and Learning, Medical Careers Support pathway design and program approval/reapproval with NYSED
Breaking down the Rochester Pathways Rochester Pathways are anchored in best practices and a theory of action that will close the skills and opportunity gap by preparing students for locally-available jobs and further studies. Pathways in Integrated Arts and Technology High School: Computer Programming and Networking Programming, Web Design, and Networking Status 2016/17: elective courses Digital Media Arts and Communication Video Production, Technical Theater, and Interactive Media Status 2016/17: elective courses Pathway in conceptual Vanguard Collegiate High School: Health Careers with concentrations such as Pre-professional Studies, Certified Nurse Assistant, and Health Technology Status 2016/17: elective courses
Breaking down the Rochester Pathways Work aligned to a study from the CTE Technical Assistance Center of New York Pathway design aligned to Linked Learning framework: ConnectEd Improved relationships with industry and postsecondary partners Hired staff: Deputy, Chief, Edison Principal Added budget for CTE courses Wrote districtwide Employability Skills Profile Seeking NYSED CTE program approval for all pathways Improving opportunities for students to take CTE Technical Assessments Rochester Pathways are anchored in best practices and a theory of action that will close the skills and opportunity gap by preparing students for locally-available jobs and further studies.
Breaking down the Rochester Pathways Rochester Pathways are anchored in best practices and a theory of action that will close the skills and opportunity gap by preparing students for locally-available jobs and further studies. Alignment to the priorities of the Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council Hosted a large gathering of foundation, industry, postsecondary, and governmental partners to support the reunited Edison Tech Raised donations for student support services and equipment Supported Edison with recruitment efforts Edison awarded over $438,600 in regional economic development grants and foundation support $200,000+ for Manufacturing, $83,600 for Engineering, $60,000 for Automotive Technology, $95,000 for increased Hillside Work Scholarship Connection at Edison this year Re-engaged industry and postsecondary partners to join advisory committees All PTECH 9 th grade students partnered with career mentors Two CTE programs newly approved, one nearly approved, Advanced Manufacturing approved last year Readiness for the CDOS pathway as proposed by the Board of Regents CTE programs and pathways growing in popularity, rigor, and relevancy nationwide – especially those that integrate academic and technical studies
Breaking down the Rochester Pathways Rochester Pathways are anchored in best practices and a theory of action that will close the skills and opportunity gap by preparing students for locally-available jobs and further studies.
Breaking down the Rochester Pathways Rochester Pathways are anchored in best practices and a theory of action that will close the skills and opportunity gap by preparing students for locally-available jobs and further studies. Theory of Action to expand pathways through: Curriculum development Work based learning opportunities (mentoring, job shadowing, internships, and co-op) Student support services Building a focused community of practice
Breaking down the Rochester Pathways Rochester Pathways are anchored in best practices and a theory of action that will close the skills and opportunity gap by preparing students for locally-available jobs and further studies. Pathways lead students to fill projected annual openings in the Finger Lakes Region: Advanced Manufacturing, Skilled Trades, Information Technology, Health Careers, Culinary Arts Industry Partners inform a Skills Map articulate foundational knowledge and skills directly linked to jobs Close the opportunity gap for students in poverty, directly aligned to the Rochester-Monroe Anti Poverty Initiative
Breaking down the Rochester Pathways Rochester Pathways are anchored in best practices and a theory of action that will close the skills and opportunity gap by preparing students for locally-available jobs and further studies. Increase in number of partners offering students Co-Op employment placements Partnering with Holy Childhood, Rochester Rehab, and others to provide opportunities for students with significant disabilities 90 more students are able to participate in the Hillside Work Scholarship Connection Offered a construction camp with the city’s R-Centers, serving around 150 students per week. This year we have proposed a construction camp and a STEM camp using MCC’s Mobile STEM labs Increasing opportunities for summer work from 125 students to 500 students, including partnering with the City of Rochester and Rochester Works Planning the 2 nd Annual Bright Futures Job Fair for RCSD Seniors – building off of 450 students attending last year Providing Drivers Training to 100 students at Edison and the Career Pathways to Public Safety program
Breaking down the Rochester Pathways Rochester Pathways are anchored in best practices and a theory of action that will close the skills and opportunity gap by preparing students for locally-available jobs and further studies. PTECH students: AAS degree from Monroe Community College - grant funded Bryant and Stratton Professor co-teaches a course in the Digital Media Arts and Communication pathway Pathways to Public Safety: dual enrollment credit with MCC in Police and Fire Current construction programs have articulation agreements with Alfred State Looking pathway concentrations to an Associates Degree or Certificate one year past high school All pathways align to postsecondary programs: university, college, apprenticeships, and trade schools
Breaking down the Rochester Pathways Rochester Pathways are anchored in best practices and a theory of action that will close the skills and opportunity gap by preparing students for locally-available jobs and further studies. Future Steps: Build pathways and courses districtwide Take advantage of multiple pathways to graduation Open shared time programs for district high schools Strengthen transition planning: work based learning for students with disabilities Increase opportunities for work based learning (focused on paid work experiences) Develop curriculum and communities of practice for Career Pathways Continue working with community, industry, and postsecondary partners Seek out additional partners and funds for strategic programmatic development
Breaking down the Rochester Pathways Rochester Pathways are anchored in best practices and a theory of action that will close the skills and opportunity gap by preparing students for locally-available jobs and further studies. Future Steps: Continue following recommendations of the CTE TAC: continued work with ConnectEd growing out pathways at Edison Tech Review recommendations of the CTE TAC: develop pathways at Vanguard and IATHS Continued pathway development at RECIHS and REOC Strengthen and focus CTE courses in other schools in preparation of the CDOS graduation pathways and to increase State Aid for CTE Open shared time programs for district high schools Strengthen transition planning: work based learning for students with disabilities Increase opportunities for work based learning (focused on paid work experiences) to bridge the opportunity gap: preparation for the CDOS graduation pathway Develop curriculum and communities of practice for Career Pathways Continue working with community, industry, and postsecondary partners Seek out additional partners and funds for strategic programmatic development