Revising Persuasive ECRs
Intro Paragraphs ● Include a strong, memorable hook (1-2 sentences). ● Briefly introduce the subject matter you’re writing about (2-3 sentences) ● Set up argument (In this case, which TKAM character shows the most courage). ● Thesis statement (1 sentence) ○ Remember, since this is persuasive, the thesis should present an argument that one character is more courageous than any other.
Sample Intro I ● What is courage? In harper lee’s “to kill a mockingbird”, there are many examples of courage. The character that shows the most courage is Atticus. Atticus is Scout’s dad, and he has to defend Tom Robinson. He’s willing to face the town, stand up for Tom Robinson, and he loves his kids. Atticus is a very courageous character.
Sample Intro II ● What is courage? It is difficult to define, since there are many kinds of people who have to show courage every day. Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is a book filled with courageous people. Atticus Finch, the main character’s father, is a lawyer who has to defend a black man accused of rape. Since To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in the south, during the Great Depression, Atticus’ job isn’t easy. His willingness to take on a case that could threaten his life, defend a man that everyone believes is guilty, and protect his children above all else is what makes him the most courageous character in the entire novel.
Body Paragraphs ● Follow the order you stated in the thesis. ● Follow PEE format, plus a little extra. ○ More context, more details, and more commentary than a regular SCR. ● USE TEXTUAL EVIDENCE ○ PARENTHETICAL CITATION (Author Last Name Pg. #) ● Lead in to NEXT Body Paragraph.
Body Paragraph I ● Atticus takes the case even though the town hates him for it. He knows that the town is going to hate him, but he does it anyway. He tells Scout that the town is going to be mean about it, but he has to do it, even if they might not win, because it’s the right thing to do (lee). The fact that he’s willing to defend Tom Robinson even though he gets hate for it is really courageous.
Body Paragraph II ● Maycomb is a town that is filled with prejudice and racism. Atticus knows this, and he knows that many people would rather he throw the trial instead of trying to actually defend a black man. Still, Atticus is willing to struggle against the town’s racist views in order to do what is right and defend Tom Robinson. He knows he probably won’t win, but he does it anyway. When Scout asks why he’s willing to do this, Atticus replies that “Just because we were licked a hundred years before we started, that’s no reason to try not to win” (Lee 76). The fact that Atticus knows that the town has already made up it’s mind is what makes him so courageous. He’s standing up for what’s right, even though he knows he’ll lose. When the trial comes, Atticus even does his best to try and convince the town that their racist beliefs are wrong.
Conclusion ● Briefly restate the main points you’ve already covered in your paper. ● One final opportunity to convince the reader of your points. ● End with a powerful hook: A final lesson learned, a call to action, or an idea for the reader to chew on.
Conclusion I ● Atticus is willing to face the town, stand up for Tom Robinson, and he loves his kids. It was hard for him to go through what he did, but he did it, and it took a lot of courage. For these reasons, Atticus is the most courageous character in Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird”.
Conclusion II ● So what is courage? It isn’t something that is easily defined, but if you looked up courage in the dictionary, I think you’d find a picture of Atticus Finch right next to the definition. This is a man who fought a lost cause against a town of racists, who tried to stand up for a black man and show how wrong racism really is, and who went above and beyond to protect his children. Even though many characters show courage in To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus shows more than anyone else. If he isn’t the absolute definition of courage, then I don’t know what possibly could be.