Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/30/2016 Next Generation Catalog with Integration of VuFind and Pazpar2 Presented by Mohan Raj Pradhan Associate Professor Central Dept. of Library and Information Science, Tribhuvan University and Member-Secretary HealthNet Nepal
9/30/2016 Next Generation Catalog with Integration of VuFind and Pazpar2 Users and Librarians need searching multiple catalogues in a single interface. Two methods are used for this purpose: – Traditional Method – Z39.50 Approach
9/30/2016 Traditional Approach Records are collected from participating library catalogues and put in a central index. Majority of libraries follow this approach for building union catalogs.
9/30/2016 Challenges of Traditional Approach Provides better search response, but it is challenging, such as: Record extraction from legacy database may not be easy and requires technical skill sets. Holdings details need to be updated with each data upload. Custom integration may be required for real time access. time holdings lookup a
9/30/2016 Alternative Approach through Z39.50 Protocol Z39.50 protocol use a standard search protocol in real time. The search results are merged (de-duplication) and sorted before being displayed to the end user. This approach requires search protocol such as Z39.50 or SRU/SRW
9/30/2016 Open Framework It is possible to build a highly scalable framework for a unified search to heterogeneous catalog (centralized local index and remote distributed index) Databases using various open source tools such as YAZ tookkit, Pazpar2, Zebra and Javscript can be used (as shown in figure 1)
9/30/2016 Union Catalogue Framework for local and remote index
9/30/2016 Local Database using Zebra Zebra is a metadata indexing system Supports MARC, MARCXML metadata formats Provides Z39.50/SRU interfaces for search clients.
9/30/2016 Features of Zebra Natively supports Z39.50 server interface Very small footprint requiring low memory Extremely fast indexing and searching MARC bibliographic records. Highly configurable rules for indexing and searching of records in virtually Supports incremental indexing Supports Unicode for indexing and searching of records in virtually any language
9/30/2016 Features of Zebra.. Supports fuzzy matching, facets, as well as relevance ranking Supports virtual databases to create multiple collections within the same index Available on most platforms, including Linux and windows
9/30/2016 Ingest MARC Records Records for each database indexed into separate databases It will be exposed to search clients using Z39.50 protocol Process may be automated for incremental indexing of records on a regular basis Batch or shell scripts may be written and setup a cron job to automate these repetitive tasks tasks.
9/30/2016 Pazpar2 setup Pazpar2 platform can be configured to broadcast search terms across any number of Z39.50 or SRU/W sources and retrieve a unified result Pazpar2 is a high configurable rules record source mapping through XML Language (XSL) files
9/30/2016 Service Configuration There are two files that controls the Pazpar2 service: Server xml and Service Configuration The first file ‘Server.xml’ defines the basic parameters of the Pazpar2 service, including the port number, ranking and merging rules and location of the configuration files of enables services
9/30/2016 Service Configuration…. The service configuration file has two sections: one for database connectivity details and other for metadata fields. The service configuration file must include path of at least one database connection file in the settings element Should be relative to the base directory of the pazpar2 configuration:
9/30/2016 Service configuration… Second section of the file has the meta data field names along with their display rules- For example: metadata name= "isbn" /> Metadata name = “issn”/> Metadata name = “author” brief = “yes” Termslist = “yes” merge= “unique” rank = “2” mergekey=“optional”
9/30/2016 Service configuration… Each metadata element must contain the name of the field and optionally settings for de-duplication ('merge') as well as availability facet display (term list) and brief display as shown above
9/30/2016 Database Connection Profiles The individual database connector files are normally placed in '/etc/pazpar2/settings' directory, but may be stored in any other directory.
9/30/2016 Database Configuration files Each configuration file may contain the following details: Connectivity details of Z39.50 or SRU/W server (hostname, port and database name) Setting for default search field if no field is specified by the user Mapping common fields (mostly based on Bib-l Attribute Set) Retrieval settings for each record from the database Record normalization rules (may also include link to OPAC based on Record ID and/or ISBN).
9/30/2016 User interface Plugins available for integrating Pazpar2 with two content management platforms such as: -Drupal: - Typo:
9/30/2016 User interface.. The default installation of Pazpar2 provides a simple HTML interface that uses Javascript libraries to connect to the Pazpar2 web service and display the result as HTML.
9/30/2016 Integrating VuFind with Pazpar2 for Z39.50 Search This work is jointly done by Demian Katz with support from Chris Hallberg of Villanova, Dr. Saiful Amin and Prof. ARD Prasad of Indian Statistical Institute and Mr. Shiv Ram Shrestha and myself from HealthNet Nepal
9/30/2016 Objective To incorporate remote database search facility in VuFind through Z39.50 protocol.
9/30/2016 Workflow (completed and in- progress) Search Pazpar2 records - DONE! Link to external resource directly from search results - DONE! Search by source – DONE! Native record viewing in VuFind - In progress VuFind open URL capabilities - In progress Field and facet search – In progress Incorporation with cart – In progress Incorporation with favorites – In progress Pazpar2 specific browse modules – In progress Integrating VuFind with CUFTS, (ERM for serials management)- In progress
9/30/2016 Search by Source
9/30/2016 Search by Source in VuFind
9/30/2016 Search by Author
9/30/2016 Link to Source
9/30/2016 VuFind Main Page Ready to Use Pazpar2 Search