Shaping American Ideas
Age of Reason American thinkers influenced by the Enlightenment Enlightenment- Philosophical movement emphasizing reason over tradition Challenged existing ideas of Gov’t Helped develop the Idea of America
Science American Science emphasized the use of Application based science Ben Franklin- enlightened thinker who greatly influenced early American History as a printer, scientist, inventor, and diplomat Created lightning rod, Franklin stove, bifocal lenses
Art in America Not the same as Europe Cultural centers came from cities like Boston, Philadelphia, and Charleston Literature: Americans mainly read the Bible, political pamphlets, and how to books Poor Richards Almanac- Magazine on weather forecasts, crop advice
Southern Society South was made up of mostly small farms, but large plantation owners dominated society Plantation owners rich due to sale of cash crop (Tobacco) Plantation owners used slaves to harvest tobacco, allowed for large plantations, and wealthy slaveholders
Origins of slavery in America Africans were introduced to N. America soon after Jamestown, but not as slaves English law did not recognize chattel slavery- owning another human 500,000 Africans arrived by 1800 Rights revoked and slavery became the norm in south by 1700
Stono Rebellion With more African slaves, threat of slave rebellion was ever present Stono rebellion- slave revolt in S.C. killing several plantation families Congo Africans likely the leaders Rebellion fails, but scares plantation owners Slave codes (slave laws) established in the south