Universal Learning Design/ Differentiated Learning Lana Lopez EDU 673 Instructor Dr. Joyce Frazier April 23, 2015
Comparison/ Contrast Universal Learning Design (UDL) uses digital information providing students with multiple choices in learning and doing assignments and projects. UDL incorporates the uses of digital information because it "can be easily changed into different formats, such as enlarged print, auditory information and even Braille” (Dalton & Brand, 2012, p.1). This helps include all types of students, with learning disabilities as well as those without disabilities in the classroom. UDL uses a tier status in the classroom that divides the students into groups based on their supportive needs to help their learning success.
“ Differentiated instruction allows for variation in context without losing sight of the curriculum, to which all children are entitled” (Levy, 2008, p.161). With differentiated instruction the teacher can be flexible and change the content and curriculum as she sees the need with her students. Using various techniques that pertain to different learning styles, differentiated instruction helps each student reach their potential by allowing them to learn using styles and strategies that work best for them.
Both UDL and Differentiated Instruction have the same overall goal to provide students with the education they are entitled to despite disabilities, socio-economic hardships, and learning obstacles. They both use engaging strategies to interest students and reach as many students as possible. The goal of both is to give the student their best chance at success in their education.
How Will I Blend Both in My Classroom I will use differentiated instruction by providing my students with choices in learning that cover all learning styles. I will use digital information and technology to reach all students, whether they have disabilities or need extra support. Using a three tier system I can identify the students who need little intervention and those who may need more resources and support to obtain the same level of education for all. I will use teaching strategies that are engaging and interest the students.
How I Will Present New Information in My Classroom New information will be presented in colorful ways and using technology that students are interested in learning. New information will build upon previous information to enhance the understanding of a topic. I will provide students with various ways to obtain information, from using technology to peruse websites and find photographs, etc. I will provide various mediums to present new information, auditory, visual and written.
How Will Students Demonstrate Prior Background Knowledge? Using informal observations and structured performance samples I can determine what kind of background knowledge students have. Using Preassessments, such as KWI; Formative assessments-asking students if they understand and then once the project is started walk around and engage students in conversation to judge the level of understanding; and Summative Assessments-this can vary by students but can include tests, quizzes, performance assessments etc. to determine if the student has grasped the topic, I can understand where each student is at academically and adjust curriculum as I see fit.
Strategies to Engage and Motivate Students I will use technology and digital information to develop lesson plans that are engaging and provide students with multiple choices in learning and doing their assignments. Children learn through play and interaction with adults and other children so I will use group activities as well as adult guided activities in my classroom. These can include “word walls, using different font and colors, auditory books, concrete objects and text to speech technology” (Dalton & Brands, 2012, p. 16). Peer collaboration will be used as well as group guided readings and discussions
Summary Using both UDL and differentiated instruction teachers can give their students every opportunity to succeed in the classroom. By keeping their interests student will be motivated to succeed and learn the topics and curriculum. As teachers we must “adjust our teaching style to reflect the needs of our students” (Levy, 2008, p.161). “We can keep the focus where it belongs and take each student as far as he or she can go” (Levy, 2008, p. 164).
References Dalton, E. & Brand, S. (2012). The Assessment of Young Children through the Lens of Universal Design for learning (UDL). Forum on Public Policy Online v2012 n12012 Retrieved from ERIC eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ Levy, H. (2008). Meeting the Needs of All Students Through Differentiated Instruction: Helping Every Child Reach and Exceed Standards Clearing House Vol. 81 Is. 4 p