The CE RN N EUTRINO F ACILITY Marzio Nessi & Rende Steerenberg On behalf of the CENF study/project team LAGUNA, DESY 25 February 2013
Why a new CERN Neutrino Facility? Extract of European strategy document: “CERN should develop a neutrino program to pave the way for a substantial European role in future long- baseline experiments.” Interesting experimental proposal by ICARUS-NESSiE (SPSC- P-347) for the search of sterile neutrinos. Demonstrate new generation of neutrino detectors of double-phase LAr TPC proto-type by the LAGUNA-LBNO consortium (SPSC-E-007) move towards LBS New opportunity for the experimental European neutrino community to reorganize itself. New experiments and/or new detector technologies. CENF – 25 February 20132
SPSC 108 recommendations on new neutrino projects at CERN (general considerations) CENF – 25 February “The SPSC supports the physics cases of both projects and recognizes their timely relevance in the rapidly evolving neutrino physics landscape. In this context the SPSC considers it important to strengthen neutrino activities at CERN in order to help focus those future European contributions to neutrino physics extending beyond the ongoing approved programmes. The SPSC considers that a new short baseline neutrino beam at the SPS could be an adequate facility to foster this focus in the near future, provided that the beam operation, in addition to making progress on the sterile neutrino question, can also contribute significantly to the preparation of the future long baseline neutrino projects.” Let’s start with this !!
CENF – 25 February Where at CERN ? PS solution discarded already (2011) for various reasons Why not to use CNGS? Target area very deep (~60m), too costly to install new detectors underground at short distances from target An SPS solution in the west area (old NOMAD location) was investigated, but was judged too risky for various reasons (mostly activation) and conflicting with existing activities The North-Area SPS solution was retained -Make use of the TT20 existing beam line -Make use of the existing infrastructure of the EHN1 experimental hall (extended) -Remain inside the CERN territory with the Far Detector -Keep the possibility to calibrate detectors with charged beams -Keep compatibility with a future long baseline solution
The Four Main CENF Facility Components Primary beam ~600m from target area Secondary beam In front of EHN1 Near Detector from target, EHN1 extension Far Detector from target CENF - 24 February 20135
6CENF – 25 February 2013 Main Physics Requirements Near and far detectors locations, positioned at the correct L/E. Central ν μ energy of ~ 2 GeV. About 4.5x10 19 protons on target per year, for at least 3 years. Charged beams capability for detectors calibration
7CENF – 25 February 2013 Main Physics Requirements Activate the facility and deliver enough beam good for physics before the end of this decade and before the LS2 LHC shutdown (probably around ) Prepare the ground for a LBL project
8CENF – 25 February 2013 Protons on Target forecast SPSC (108) : “In the design of the new SBL neutrino beam, the SPSC recommends that all efforts be made to keep the impact of the beam operation upon the availability of the North Area (NA) beam tests lines and upon the operation of the NA Fixed Target experiments at a level lower than or similar to that of CNGS in the past years.”
Protons on Target forecast Weekly/daily time sharing between NA and CENF required. – At present fast extraction and slow extraction from LSS2 not possible in the same super cycle. – Extensive study required to investigate if simultaneous slow and fast extraction can be made from LSS2 within the same super cycles in the future. CENF - 24 February (~CNGS) 2012 (~Fixed target) 200 physics days to be shared between NA and CENF with 60% time share for CENF and ~ 70 days dedicated running (LHC like) 4.5x10 19 pot/yr can be in reach.
Primary Beam: Production & Extraction CENF – 25 February Beam production scheme and beam structure similar to CNGS. Successfully tested non-local fast extraction from LLS1 & LSS2. Incompatible with simultaneous slow extraction Time sharing. Major upgrade/consolidation of machine protection system (BIS) required. Magnetic septa (MST+MSE) Inj. kicker (MKP) 1 st Injection from PS 2 nd Injection from PS 50 ms 1.2 s 100 GeV 10.5 μs 2100 bunches 1 st Extraction 2 nd Extraction Cycle / Pulse 3.6 sec. (every 6 seconds) 14 GeV Neutrino beam North Area beam
Primary Beam: Transfer Branch-off from TT20 (with minimum impact). New transfer tunnel and line to be designed and build (TT26, ~ 550 m). 66 existing magnets to be refurbished / consolidated. 2 new switching magnets to be build from existing design. CENF – 25 February ~ 39 new power converters required. 9 high power and non-standard converters
Secondary Beam: Facility Layout Design to minimise impact on environment – Target and decay pipe in helium vessel – Angle, distance and depth optimised to keep dose rate in EHN1 ≤ 1 μSv/h – Target shielding such that dose rates in the target building are ≤ 15 μSv/h – Water draining receives much attention CENF – 25 February Target Cavern and Building Decay pipe Hadron Stopper and Muon Detectors Existing EHN1
Secondary Beam: Target Cavern CENF - 24 February The “chase” design allows accessing the equipment form above, minimising the volume around the target etc. Max power : ~240 kW Graphite Target + Horn + Reflector
Secondary Beam: Focusing Focus pions at ~ 5 GeV Target partly inserted in horn followed by reflector CENF – 25 February Far detector ν μ spectrum – Red: hypothetical perfect focusing – Green: present design Far detector ~1M ν μ /yr, ~20K ν e /yr
Secondary Beam: Hadron Stopper Graphite core with thick iron shielding – Aim to have low dose rates in EHN1. 1 st layer of muon chambers inserted in hadron stopper for low energy muon detection. 2 nd layer of muon chambers to allow with 1 st layer for neutrino beam steering. CENF – 25 February
Near Detector Facility CENF – 25 February as an extension of the existing NA facility (EHN1) Avoid the construction of an additional experimental pit, underground in front of EHN1 Make use of the existing EHN1 infrastructure Neutrino & charged beams Beam ~ 6.5 m below the floor of EHN1 Distance from target : requested 350 m, compromise ~460m ICARUS (150T), NESSiE spectrometer, LAGUNA proto-type Space for a possible new detector
Near Detector Facility CENF – 25 February LAGUNA-PROTO requires also charged particle beam Extension of EHN1 ICARUS 150T NESSiE
Near Detector Facility: EHN1 extension 3 detectors with space for a 4th CENF – 25 February
CENF – 25 February Far Detector Facility ICARUS 600T NESSiE
CENF – 25 February Far Detector Facility (ICARUS- 600T + NESSiE) Just outside CERN fence, but still on CERN territory (1.6 km from target) ICARUS and NESSiE air core magnet assembled elsewhere at CERN and lowered through the roof.
Project Planning Very challenging project planning CENF – 25 February
Civil Engineering: ~50% of investments New Junction cavern TT20-TT26. New beam line tunnel and shafts. New target, decay pipe and hadron stopper facility. EHN1 extension for New far detector facility building for Roads, surface building, technical galleries/trenches. CENF – 25 February
Civil Engineering: criticalities In general: Environmental impact study. Building permits for all parts. Coring and radiation sampling is planned for March. Example: Junction cavern is very time critical CENF – 25 February About 1 year of CE work. Can only be done when NA is stopped (LS1).
Cost Estimate (just the facility) Preliminary cost estimate was made for LOI. CENF – 25 February
Present Status and Next Step Presentation SPSC (15/01) very positively received. LOI delivered and first meeting with CERN DG (11/02) – LOI available in EDMS – Very positively received. Presentation at upcoming Research Board – RB delayed from 27/02 to 04/03 for CENF. – Once approved by RB, integration in MTP. Goal: CERN Council approval in June. 25CENF – 25 February 2013
Summary 26CENF – 25 February 2013 A well thought basic initial design of the CENF is available together with a cost estimate and (challenging) planning (LOI : :V0/P:CERN :V0/TAB3 )(LOI : :V0/P:CERN :V0/TAB3 ) The plan is ambiscious, but possible LOI positively received by CERN management Much work ahead of us and urgent items are identified All this has a meaning just if the experimental community will support it with enthusiasm
27CENF – 25 February 2013 Let’s move in a coherent way and in steps !