D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta Status of the MOdular Neutron SpectromeTER (MONSTER) for -delayed neutron measurements at DESPEC D. Cano-Ott on behalf of the MONSTER collaboration CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) IFIC – Valencia, University of Jyvaskyla, University of Uppsala, VECC,PU,BARC- INDIA, LPC – CAEN as external collaborator (SPIRAL-II) Presented by C. Bhattacharya On behalf of D. Cano-Ott
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta Cylindrical cell of 20 x 5 cm filled with BC501A/EJ301 Reasonable intrinsic efficiency ( 1MeV) Energy threshold ~ 30 keVee (E n 100 keV) Reasonable energy resolution < 10% up to 5 MeV: Good neutron timing ~1ns Reasonable flight path 2-3 m TOF Good total efficiency: 150 – 200 detectors Design similar to other projects SPIRAL II) 200 detectors, 10cm radius 1 MeV TOF distance (m) Geometric efficiency 1ns4ns 212.5%3.5%6.0% 35.6%2.5%4.2% Ø=20cm L=5cm The DESPEC MOdular Neutron SpectromeTER
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta Detectors: 30 detector cells supplied by St. Gobain + magnetic shielding PMT: 30 units model R4144 from Hamamatsu Situation: Initial problems with cell paint coating have been solved. The 30 cells where shipped to the factory and returned. Now 7 out of 30 cells show a yellowish color. They will be sent back to the USA. Status of the MONSTER demonstrator at CIEMAT
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta Detector Characterization Positioning system for detector and photocathode light collection characterization Software for automatic scanning with collimated radioactive sources. A pulsed light source + optical fibres (to be purchased) for the PMT scanning. Black box for PMT scanning Detector and PMT XY scanning system Light collection efficiency as a function of the irradiation point. Homogeneity better than 6%.
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta New glove box for detector filling and manipulation. New installation for the manipulation and exhaust of toxic and flammable gases.
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta Status: A lighter version has been designed and machined at CIEMAT workshops. The amount of Aluminium has been reduced both the housing and at the structure. Mechanical structure
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta Memory USB Data In Scales FPGA DS P TDC AD C Clocks Power New evolution of digitizer (3rd version) PCB updated to reduce the noise, modify the input ranges for analog signals improve the synchronization between boards, reduce the power consumption, add a 100 Mbytes/s transfer bus (besides the USB 2.0) Third evolution of the digitizer Board
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta New doped materials purchased recently: EJ309-B5 (similar to BC501A but not flammable) doped with 5% of 10 B. Goal: to improve the detection efficiency at low energies (E n < 100 keV). Beam time approved at PTB with EFNUDAT funding. γ-rays fast neutron recoils (n,α) reactions in the 10 B
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta Proto-type detector fabricated at VECC, Kolkata Light Guide Detector cell Detector coupled with PMT After assembly Liquid Scintillator : BC501A Reflection coating = BC630 PMT: Hamamatsu R4144, Voltage divider model: E1198
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta n- discrimination using zero cross over technique Threshold 150 KeVee Tested with AmBe source.
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta New lab at VECC for Neutron detector activities
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta GEANT4 simulation improvements (α reaction channels) A.R. Garcia et al, NIMA in preparation. Comparison between NRESP and GEANT4 with different cross section libraries 8 MeV 10 MeV 12 MeV 14 MeV
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta Summary and conclusions The 30 cell MONSTER demonstrator is ready for real measurements: First prototype detector has been fabricated at VECC, Kolkata. The detailed characterization proto-type is now under progress. -Spring 2013 at IGISOL (after 2 years of moving the facility to the new cyclotron hall) -Spring EFNUDAT funded beam time at PTB for testing new Boron loaded detectors. Funding has been obtained by the Spanish partners for up to 20 additional cells. DAQ demonstrator should be close to completion after the production of the 3 rd version of the digitiser boards. New detectors tested for improving the detection efficiencies at low energies. TDR draft is under preparation and likely to be submitted to the FAIR management before the end of the year (on time!).
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta BEtadeLayEd Neutron detector (BELEN) 2.5cm 60cm 3He counters BELEN-20: BELEN-30: BELEN-44: BELEN-50: BELEN-44 R hole = 8cm R 1st = 11cm R 2nd = 16cm R 3rd = 20cm Currently at LND: Monte Carlo simulations of new configurations under way UPC-Barcelona, IFIC-Valencia, U.Giessen/GSI, CIEMAT-Madrid, JINR-Dubna
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta M. B. Gómez Hornillos, R. Caballero, A. Riego G. Cortés, A. Poch, C. Pretel, F. Calviño SEN, UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE CATALUÑA Barcelona, SPAIN J.L. Taín, A. Algora, C. Domingo-Pardo, J. Agramunt, and Gamma Spectroscopy Group IFIC- Valencia, SPAIN D. Cano, T. Martínez, A. García and Nuclear Innovation Group CIEMAT-Madrid, SPAIN I.Dillmann (LISA-Group) Uni Giessen and GSI, GERMANY A.Yeremin, A.Popeko, E. Sokol JINR, RUSSIA Slides by Cesar Domingo Pardo, Kalkata 2012 BEta deLayEd Neutron detector
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta Latest Pn measurements program Neutron number N GSI:S410 “Measurement of β-delayed neutrons around the 3 rd r-processpeak” C. Domingo- Pardo et al. PERFORMED, September 2011 GSI: S323 “Beta-decay of very neutron-rich Rh, Pd, Ag nuclei including the r- process waiting point 128 Pd”. F. Montes et al. PERFORMED, September 2011 Z=28, N=50; I162 “Delayed neutron measurements for advanced reactor technologies and astrophysics” JL Taín, MB GómezHornillos JYFL. Expected 2012 Z=50, N=82 M. B. Gómezet al. SEN, UPC, Barcelona Kalkata 2012
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta M. B. Gómezet al. SEN, UPC, Barcelona Z A/Z Pb Tl Hg Au Bi Po At Rn A= A= A= A= A= A= A= Measurement of beta delayed neutron emission of astrophysical interest at GSI: PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS Previous most recent studies in this region: halflivesfor 219 Bi and 211,212,213 Tl Phys.Lett. B 715 (2012) , G.Benzoni et al. Kalkata 2012 NEW
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta 216 Po Measurement of beta-decay halflives (benchmark test via 216 Po) Implant- forward Implant- backward t 1/2 = 150 ms PID Confirmation Validation of time-correlationbetweenimplant and decayevents: half-lifemeasurements RIB A B C Time correlations of implants and decays: Time (a.u.) 216 Po Implantevents Time distributions of implants and decays: Kalkata 2012
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta Measurement of beta delayed neutron emission of astrophysical interest at GSI: PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS Counts M. B. Gómezet al. SEN, UPC, Barcelona BELEN-30 Performance test via decay-neutron time correlations for 213 Tl A B C -decays (SIMBA) Neutrons (BELEN) Kalkata Tl Beta-delayed neutrons clearly observed. Analysis undergoing: peak areaproportionaltoPn-value using the neutron signals from BELEN, one can perform decay-neutron correlations by gating on one particular isotope.
D. Cano Ott – HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, 8 th of October - Calcatta If FAIR were ready and if the LEB would exist It is possible to take data now with this nice instrument