1 Short overview of the legal/institutional framework of protected sites, existing ecological networks, regional/cross-border projects, priorities Short overview of the legal/institutional framework of protected sites, existing ecological networks, regional/cross-border projects, priorities ALBANIA REReP regional meeting on “ Towards Natura 2000 in South Eastern Europe ” May 29th, 2009 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2 Status of legal framework of protected sites and existing ecological networks in Albania Legal framework on protected areas Law “On protected areas” no. 8906, ; Amended by the law no. 9868, in order to partially transpose main provisions of the Habitats Directive 92/43 EEC DCM “On the rules and procedures of PAs and buffer zones designation” no. 267, DCM “On protected areas administrations” no.266, DCM “On management committees of PAs” no.86, Existing ecological networks Representative network of PAs in the country – a requirement of the basic law Emerald network of potential ASCIs – proposals completed in 2008 Pan Europaen Ecological Network – work in its initial stages
3 Responsible institutions for protected areas in Albania MoEFWA – elaboration of the legal framework and supervisor of the administration PAs administrations within the structures of the Forestry Services Directorates in districts for the day-to-day administration Management Committees of PAs established by Government Decree to deal with the implementation of the management plan
4 Overview of protected areas network in Albania At present PAs cover ha or 12, 58 % of the country’s territory 14 national parks with ha Managed nature reserves with ha Protected landscapes with ha
5 Short overview of regional and cross-border projects ALBANIA REReP regional meeting on “ Towards Natura 2000 in South Eastern Europe ” May 29th, 2009 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
6 Integrated management of Shkodra Lake projet – with Montenegro Prespa Lake management project with FYROM and Greece
7 Future priorities Proposed trans-boundary Park of Alps with Montenegro and Kosovo Potential trans-boundary Korabi Protected Landscape with FYROM