New Hanover County Comprehensive Plan Progress Report New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Planning & Inspections DepartmentJune 12, 2014 Chris O’Keefe Planning and Inspections Director
New Hanover County Slide 2 Planning and Inspections Department Winter 2014 Summer 2014 Fall 2014 Winter 2015 Public Engagement Time Line
New Hanover County Slide 3 April 2014: APA Comprehensive Plan Standards for Sustaining Places
New Hanover County Slide 4 Theme Committees: 1.Livable Built Environment (37 participants) 2.Harmony with Nature (28 participants) 3.Responsible Regionalism (26 participants) 4.Interwoven Equity (30 participants) 5.Healthy Community (28 participants) 6.Resilient Economy (20 participants)
New Hanover County Slide 5 Livable Built Environment Policy Framework: Preserve open space and agricultural land Mixed land uses Mix of housing types to promote diversity Sustainable Development Invest in community infrastructure Enhance and protect residential areas Build efficient multi-modal transportation for all users Create safe, walkable communities Revitalize commercial corridors
New Hanover County Slide 6 Harmony with Nature Policy Framework: Preserve open space, farm land, natural heritage, and critical environmental areas Link major habitats Promote region through natural resources Water access, quality, and conservation Air quality and renewable energy Solid waste and recycling Sustainable growth and green infrastructure
New Hanover County Slide 7 Responsible Regionalism Policy Framework: Regional Approach to Housing Development Regional Approach to Economic Development Regional Approach to Transportation Planning and Management Regional Approach to Environmental Management
New Hanover County Slide 8 Interwoven Equity Policy Framework: Provide a range of housing types, opportunities and choices Upgrade housing development with infrastructure Strengthen neighborhoods through redevelopment of blighted areas/ environmental equity Create opportunities for health care and services to disperse through the community in an effort to equitably reach all NHC citizens Increase workforce housing and workforce development
New Hanover County Slide 9 Healthy Community Policy Framework: Create safe, walkable spaces and accessible destinations Increase physical activity and healthy lifestyles Access to healthy food, parks/recreation and hospitals Reduction of crime and public safety
New Hanover County Slide 10 Resilient Economy Policy Framework: Encourage redevelopment and infill development for commercial corridors Create unique and special places that attract individuals and companies/ create a sense of place Focus on a mixture of uses and accessibility Look for win/win opportunities and focus on common interests Create mixed use nodes blended with each neighborhood and keep them vibrant Reposition underutilized spaces and buildings Use public improvements to leverage private development
New Hanover County Slide 11 Next Steps: Chapter 1: Public Engagement Plan – ADOPTED! Chapter 2: Existing Conditions Report – Summer ‘14 Chapter 3: Policy Framework – Fall ‘14 Chapter 4: Development Scenarios – Winter ‘14-’15 Chapter 5: Future Land Use Recommendations – Winter ‘15 Final Report – June 2015