2035 General Plan Update Planning Commission Study Session on Draft Land Use Element January 5, 2016
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element 1.Welcome and Introductions 2.Review of General Plan Update and Status 3.Overview of Changes from 1982 Land Use Element 4.Overview of Proposed Land Use Element 5.Questions, Discussion, and Public Comment 6.Wrap-up; Next Steps Agenda
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element November 2015 – February 2016: Planning Commission will review the Draft Elements in phases at study sessions – Parks, Recreation, & Open Space: November 17 – Conservation: December 1 – Land Use: Tonight – Circulation: January 19 (tentative) – Safety & Noise: February 16 (tentative) Late Winter/Early Spring 2016: Public Review Draft General Plan will be released Where We Are in the Process
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element Each Element consists of: – Text + Maps in the body of the Element – Goals : An ideal future end related to the public health, safety, or general welfare of the community; a direction- setter for policies and actions. Policies : Specified ends or conditions that are an intermediate step towards attaining a goal; specific statements to guide decision-making. – Actions : Measures to implement policies. Draft General Plan Structure
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element Introduction Context: Existing Land Use & Urban Form Pattern General Plan Land Use Designations and Density/Intensity Standards – Land Use Goals, Policies, & Actions Economic Opportunity – Economic Opportunity Goals, Policies, & Actions Historic Preservation – Historic Preservation Goals, Policies, & Actions Structure of This Element
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element Updated Land Use Diagram Some new or modified Land Use Designations – Changes apply to Commercial, Mixed Use, Industrial, and Parks/Open Space – Land Use Designations are intended to serve Belmont for 20 years (through the ups and downs of changes in the economy) and not as prescriptive as the 1982 General Plan Changes from 1982 General Plan Land Use Element
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element Overarching, citywide focus; less emphasis on differences between neighborhoods Includes policies on community character and design, including views, as well as hillsides – Calls for an update/refresh of the San Juan Hills & Western Hills area plans to better align with current conditions, context, accurate information, and current planning goals and objectives – this is a future implementation item (post-adoption of the GP Update) Changes from 1982 General Plan Land Use Element
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element Economic Opportunity has its own section that is distinct from Commercial/Mixed Use Designations – Organized around geographic areas that could see changes and support economic development, such as Belmont Village PDA and east of 101 area Historic Preservation has its own section, focused on historic and cultural resources. – Note: Paleontological and archeological resources are discussed in the Conservation Element. Changes from 1982 General Plan Land Use Element
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element Existing General Plan Land Use
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element Proposed General Plan Land Use
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element Proposed General Plan Land Use: Change Areas
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element No changes are proposed to the four current residential designations : – Residential Low Density – Residential Medium Density – Residential High Density – Hillside Residential Open Space Additional residential uses are permitted and/or encouraged in various new mixed use designations along the ECR corridor and Belmont Village areas. No changes are proposed to Institutional uses. Land Use Designation Changes
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element New Mixed Use Designations – Belmont Village Mixed Use Pedestrian-oriented downtown mixed use core Includes a combination of residential, office, service, retail, and entertainment uses where appropriate Precise mix, location, and distribution of uses to be established in Belmont Village PDA Specific Plan – Corridor Mixed Use Community and visitor-serving retail and services, lodging, office, and high density residential Horizontal and vertical mixed use encouraged but not required Land Use Designation Changes
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element New/Modified Commercial Designations – Regional Commercial Combines General Commercial and Highway Commercial Generally applies to areas east of 101 – Neighborhood Commercial (applies to Carlmont Village) Other Designations – Industrial (removed and replaced by Service and Regional Commercial) – Parks (combined with Public/Community Facilities) – Open Space (natural, unimproved open space areas) Land Use Designation Changes
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element 1.Promote a diversity of compatible land uses throughout the city, to enable people to live close to job locations, adequate and convenient commercial services, and public services and facilities such as transit, parks, and schools. Policy Concepts: Coordinate land use and transportation planning Land Use Goals
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element 2.Support the creation and enhancement of “complete neighborhoods” in Belmont 3.Provide balanced neighborhoods with a variety of housing types and density ranges 4.Preserve the character and enhance the quality of Belmont’s residential neighborhoods Policy Concepts: Focus new development in or directly adjacent to already-developed areas Land Use Goals – Neighborhoods and Housing
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element 5.Enhance the Belmont Village PDA and develop a distinct identify for the area as Belmont’s vibrant town center 6.Promote opportunities for continued economic growth and vitality Policy Concepts: Promote Belmont Village PDA, El Camino Real corridor, Carlmont Village, the area East of Highway 101, the Harbor Opportunity Area, and Davis Drive as focus areas for economic growth. Land Use Goals – Mixed Use & Commercial
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element 7.Provide areas for diverse employment and business opportunities 8.Promote infill development that makes efficient use of limited land supply 9.Foster new development that contributes positively to Belmont’s built environment, provides benefits to the local community, and addresses potential impacts Policy Concepts: Allow sufficient density and intensity to enable new development Require that new development “pays its way” so as to limit fiscal impacts on the City Land Use Goals – Mixed Use & Commercial
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element 10. Ensure adequate provision of community-serving facilities 11.Continue to collaborate and partner with Notre Dame de Namur University Policy Concepts: Use the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan to plan for future public facility and programming needs Support increased collaboration and partnership with Notre Dame de Namur University on key issues Land Use Goals – Public/Community Facilities & Institutions
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element 12. Support a balanced and integrated open space system 13. Enhance Belmont’s character and image as a desirable community Policy Concepts: Ensure that new development is balanced with preservation of open space and natural features Ensure that the scale and character of new development is appropriate to the setting and intended use Land Use Goals – Open Space, & Community Design
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element 14. Protect and enhance Belmont’s hillside areas 15.Grow and develop in such a way that allows Belmont’s unique character to flourish while recognizing the city’s role in the broader region Policy Concepts: Update the Western Hills & San Juan Hills area plans Partner with other cities across the county and region on regional land use and transportation planning issues Land Use Goals – Open Space, & Community Design
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element Focus Areas for Economic Growth Davis Drive Focus Area Carlmont Village Focus Area Belmont Village PDA El Camino Real Focus Area East of Highway 101 Focus Area Harbor Opportunity Area
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element 16. Support a wide range of economic activity in Belmont 17. Facilitate retention, expansion, attraction, and incubation of businesses in Belmont Policy Concepts: Establish priorities for City funding to fulfill economic development objectives Strive to improve the business climate for current and future businesses Economic Opportunity Goals
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element 18. Realize the community’s vision for Belmont Village PDA as a vibrant, successful, engaging town center 19. Transform El Camino Real into a “grand boulevard” Policy Concepts: Adopt and implement the Belmont Village Specific Plan Encourage strategic land assembly and infrastructure improvements to facilitate development Economic Opportunity Goals
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element 20. Pursue annexation of the Harbor Opportunity Area (HOA) 21. Promote the continued development and revitalization of the Belmont’s focus areas for economic growth Policy Concepts: Pursue pre-zoning for the HOA Promote regional commercial development in area East of Highway 101 Support neighborhood commercial and community facilities improvements to Carlmont Village Encourage non-residential, revenue-producing developments and businesses at Davis Drive Economic Opportunity Goals
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element Historic Resources
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element 22. Conserve designated historic and cultural sites and structures that help define Belmont’s identity and character. Policy Concepts: Update the City’s inventory of historic resources Ensure that City ordinances adequately recognize and protect historic resources Consider creating a Historic Preservation Commission Historic Preservation Goals
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Study Session on Draft Land Use Element Also… Belmont Village Specific Plan is underway! Next Community Workshops to be scheduled for February/March Wrap-Up and Next Steps: Tentative Schedule
2035 General Plan Update Planning Commission Study Session on Draft Land Use Element January 5, 2016