Dog Unit Review Mrs. Runde 2014
DOG INFORMATION What are the common groups of dogs? Dogs were the first _________ animal. Name two things to consider when choosing a breed? A. B.
DOG GROUPS Name two breeds of dogs in the “Sporting Group:” A. B. What are the two “types” of Hounds? A. B.
DOG Behaviors What are six common dog behaviors and what do they look like if they were “pictured” on a test?
DOG VOCABULARY Know all the voc words from the Dog Chapter Confirmation, Pedigree, gestation, Placental Membrane, Anemia, Stypic, Proestrus, Rodenticide, estrus, Colostrum
Dog Breeds Match the dog breed with the group 1. Golden RetrieverA. Non-Sporting 2. Yorkshire TerrierB. Herding 3. German ShephardC. Toy 4. Shar-PeiD. Sporting
Dog Food Types and H20 Content List 3 types of dog food What is the water content of each How much protein is needed for a growing dog vs a senior dog? How do you make dog treats and what are some MAJOR ingredients?
Dog Fighting What is it? What can you do to prevent and stop?
Puppy Mills What are they? What animals suffer the most? What can you do to prevent or stop?
Dog Reproduction How long is gestation? What make a good whelping box? What is whelping?
Health Care of a Dog What are five common health care practices for a dog? ( not food, water and shelter)
NOT on the test Dog breed pictures Bones of a dog External parts of a dog