Yachting Club CERN Dinghy Course Organization Paul Smith, 30 April 2016
Introduction Course Payment Status Mission statement Course structure Teaching options Green book Course Materials Course dates Tuesday trainings Dinghy Days
Course Payment Status Deadline : 8 April (wk on Friday) CoursePaid 29 MarPlacesPercentage Dingy61638% CC4850% CNV Dingy51631% AC040% GS4850% SU21217% Y31619% Total248030%
Mission Statement Impart on a complete novice the skills to sail : –Autonomous on water and be able to direct crew –Be able to rig and sail a dinghy out of the harbour without damaging boats nor be a risk to themselves. –Enthuse a passion for sailing so that in future years they will also be able to transmit that passion.
Course Structure 7 lessons plus theory courses Rigging Launching Sail maneuvers Return and berthing De Rigging Debrief
Teaching Options RS500 teacher/student Xenon/RS400 can be teacher plus two students Lasers, up to three students with teacher on Rib
Green book Filled in after each lesson, at the buvette with the student Chance to debrief
Course Material YCC guide to sailing – YCCSailingCourse.pdfhttp://yachting.web.cern.ch/yachting/courses/ YCCSailingCourse.pdf RYA Dinghy Sailing – x?pid=E- G3(RYADefaultCatalog)&mode=tc&cat=&type =&course=DLEVEL1
Course Dates (YCC Dinghy) Wk startingMondayTuesdayWednesdayFriday 9-MayM1T1W1F1 16-MayPentecostT2W2F2 23-MayM2T3W3F3 30-MayM3T4W4F4 6-JunM4T5W5F5 13-JunM5T6W6F6 20-JunM6T7W7F7 27-JunM7Semaine de Soir
Course Dates CNV Concurrent with YCC courses 7 weeks every Tuesday from 10 May to 21 June, from 18:30 to 21:00
Dinghy Tuesdays First Tuesday in July through to end of September Open to all members of club, –sign up basis –Those who didn’t get on a course Promotes dinghy sailing with different crew/skippers Helps students gain experience No free sailing – buoys set out
Dinghy Days At the weekends Normally two sessions per day First two days, priority to YCC and CNV students Successive ones open to all members of club Mini regattas and general training
Dingy Days : Dates EventDateDay DD128-MaySaturday DD212-JunSunday DD39-JulSaturday DD424-JulSunday DD520-AugSaturday