Welcome to AP Statistics. Please find your seat # Welcome to AP Statistics! Please find your seat #. Answer the student information questions on your info sheet.
Hiring Discrimination An airline has just finished training 25 pilots, 15 male and 10 female, to become captains. Unfortunately, only eight captain positions are available right now. Airline managers announce that they will use a lottery to determine which pilots will fill the available positions. The names of all 25 pilots will be written on identical slips of paper, which will be placed in a hat, mixed thoroughly, and drawn out one at a time until all eight captains have been identified. A day later, managers announce the results of the lottery. Of the 8 captains chosen, 5 are female and 3 are male. Some of the male pilots who weren’t selected suspect that the lottery was not carried out fairly. One of these pilots asks their union rep for statistical advice about whether to file a grievance against the airline. Is there evidence of hiring discrimination? Is there CONVINCING evidence of hiring discrimination?
Questions for Discussion Does it seem believable that airline managers carried out a fair lottery? What advice would you give the male pilot who contacted you? Would your advice change if the lottery had chosen 6 female (and 2 male) pilots? What about 7 female pilots? Explain
4) Do the results of this simulation change your opinion about whether the lottery could have been carried out fairly? Why or why not?
Intro to Statistics August 29, 2016
When you come across a new set of data you should be able to answer the three W’s: Who? What individuals do the data describe? How many individuals appear in the data? What? How many variables are there? What are the exact definitions of these variables? In what units is each variable recorded? Is there reason to mistrust the values of any variable? Extension Questions: Why? When? Where? How?
Who are the individuals? What is being measured? Province Gender Handed Height Wrist circum. Saskatchewan Male Right 175 cm 180 cm Ontario Female 162.5 cm 160 cm Alberta 178 cm 174 cm 169 cm 166 cm 65 cm Nanavut 168.5 cm 165 cm Left 157.5 cm 147 cm 150.5 cm 187 cm 171 cm
We are immediately introduced for the need to know vocabulary in order to answer the Who and the What. Individuals: the objects described by a set of data Variable: any characteristic of an individual (can take different values for different individuals) Categorical Variable: Places an individual into one of several groups or categories Quantitative Variable: Takes numerical values for which it makes sense to find an average.
Depends… The proper method of analysis for a variable depends on whether it is categorical or quantitative. The type of data also determines what kind of graphs and which numerical summaries (or summary statistics) are appropriate. Typically, categorical data does not have summary statistics. You can count or order the data but taking the mean will not have any meaning.
Pie Chart: Helps to see what part of the whole each category forms. Pros: Visually appealing Shows percent of total for each category Cons: No exact numerical data Hard to compare 2 data sets "Other" category can be a problem
Bar Graph: Pros: quickly compare different categories Easier to make and read. Visually strong Cons: Graph categories can be reordered to emphasize certain effects
Graphs: Good and Bad How is this graph misleading?? Which one could be considered deceptive?? Why??