Status of the Mother Board MobiDICK 4 Fernando Carrió Argos
Embedded Systems Software solution Xilkernel v5.00 lwIP Hardware solution Processor: PowerPC440 Main Core IPs ADC Board CANBus Ethernet GPIO –TTC control –G-Link MobiDICK 420/1/20122
CANBus IP Core XPS CANBus IP Xilinx Waiting for answer Open source CANBus IP OpenCores Status of the board PCB manufactured Almost populated MobiDICK 420/1/20123
EB Block Diagram MobiDICK 420/1/20124 G-link DCM GTX PLL TTC BUS PLB GPIO LED & HV GPIO LED & HV ADC IP ADC IP PowerPC Ethernet Controller Ethernet Controller CANBus Controller CANBus Controller PHY Board PHY Board SFP Module SFP Module Xilinx ML507 GPIO