Facial Expressions By: Mark & Will
Expression a look or intonation expressing personal reaction, feeling, etc.: a shocked expression. the act of expressing or representing, as by symbols.
Positive Facial Expressions Facial expressions help the person you are talking to (the observer) understand the tone and feeling in a specific sentence facial expressions can help you throughout life when you use them people are more interested in what your saying and your more likely to persua a boss in a job interview or associets in a meeting
Negative Expressions Negative expresions can be very bad people can very easily take a facial expression the wrong way facial expression can get you in trouble at school for example if you roll your eyes
Where are they used? Facial expressions are mainly used in: conversations comedy sports & plays
How They Can Help Some people can express there emotions or what they want to say just by using facial expressions a simple movement of your eyebrows can suggest that you are confused or angry
Even the slightest movement of your eyebrows, eyes, or hands can suggest many things such as: your sad mad or glad
If someone where to frown it suggests that your up set if you frown to much it appears that you are very angry sometimes frowning can even imply that you are confused if you do frown in a job interview the person that is interviewing you can take in the totally wrong way this is why you must be fairly good at your facial expressions when you go into the working world
Using Facial Expressions Just like a hand shake your facial expressions can be very helpful that is if you know how to use them well if you can become a master at facial expressions you are more likely to have people listen to you a simple smile or hand gesture can greatly improve a conversation
Why are Facial Expressions Used? As you can see in the first picture he is using an expression that he is thinking about something. In this picture you can see how the man is using his face as an angry or disgusted face to a person he is looking at.