Jeju 2012 World Conservation Congress What Who Where When Why How?
What? The world’s leading environmental summit: Only global event that represents all aspects of conservation Decision-makers from all countries, sectors and walks of life IUCN’s highest decision-making body
Leaders from: o Government o NGOs o UN agencies o Social organizations o Academia o Public sector o Private sector The place to interact personally with leaders from all backgrounds 1,200 Member organizations from 160 countries Wider conservation community Anyone interested in nature Strong awareness in Host country Who?
Where? Jeju, Republic of Korea o IUCN State member bidding process started in 2008 o Biosphere reserve o Natural World Heritage site o 3 Ramsar sites o 9 UNESCO geoparks
A prime time to visit Jeju: sea water 24°C until October! When? 6-15 September 2012 o Every four years since 1996 o Before, “General Assembly” every two or three years o Since 1948
When? Some history 5 World Conservation Congresses 2012 Jeju 2008 Barcelona 2004 Bangkok 2000 Amman 1996 Montreal 19 General Assemblies 1994 Buenos Aires 1990 Perth 1988 San José 1984 Madrid 1981 Christchurch 1978 Ashkhabad 1975 Kinshasa 1969 New Delhi 1966 Lucerne 1963 Nairobi 1960 Warsaw 1958 Athens 1956 Edinburgh 1972 Banff 1952 Caracas 1950 Brussels 1948 Fontainebleau
Why? To influence global conservation in the areas of biodiversity, people and governance, social and economic development, climate change, and food security To debate and create consensus on selected issues To showcase new concepts and evidence on the topic of nature-based solutions To showcase success and conservation results leveraged by the Union
How? Resolutions and recommendations o Adopted by IUCN Members during the Congress o Most effective way of influencing conservation policy at all levels, from local to global set the international conservation agenda 1,000 resolutions since 1948
How? Impact of IUCN’s resolutions Landmark achievements Convention on Biological Diversity (1992) Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (1971) The World Heritage Convention (1972) The Convention on the Law of the Sea The Convention on Migratory Species The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) The Polar Bear Convention The World Charter for Nature (1982)
How? Impact of IUCN’s resolutions Phrase “Sustainable development” introduced to the international vocabulary Published in 1980
Jeju 2012 What happens at the IUCN Congress?
Nature+ climate Nature+ food Nature+ development Nature+ people & governance Nature+ life Theme 7 September 8 September 9 September 10 September 11 September
Theme Nature-based solutions: climate change, food security, development Effective and equitable governance of nature’s use Valuing and conserving nature Linked to IUCN Programme: Nature+ climate Nature+ food Nature+ development Nature+ people & governance Nature+ life
Structure The Forum A marketplace of knowledge and public debate The Members’ Assembly A unique global environmental parliament of governments and NGOs Cycle of feedback from field work to policy
150 Posters 130 Knowledge cafés 165 Exhibition booths 7 Thematic pavilions Over 650 events 150 Workshops 50 Conservation Campus Structure: Forum Exploring the depths of conservation, showcasing results and innovation 5 World Leaders Dialogues
Structure: World Leaders Dialogues climate Can nature save us? food Can we feed the world sustainably? development Green economy: myth or reality? people & governance Can conservation tackle poverty? Saving nature, why bother? (closing of the Forum) Highlight of the Forum High-profile figures Prime time, no event in parallel Moderated by media professionals Innovative audience participation
Structure: Members’ Assembly IUCN’s highest level decision-making body, where Members: Approve IUCN’s four year programme and its financial plan Elect the President, Treasurer, Regional Councillors and Chairs of Commissions Vote on motions Determine number of Commissions and their mandates Members exercising their rights and influencing the governance of IUCN
Structure Main messages of each day of the Forum presented to the Assembly the following morning Forum sessions related to motions will be clearly identified and promoted: Motions ‘tags’ included in the Forum programme Updated table displaying motions as they relate to the Forum agenda to be made available
Action From local to global Engaging the wider public through social media and online debate Ensuring attendance by Members throughout the world for a balanced representation of interests All the components of IUCN coming together
Action From field work to policy One-Programme approach in the organization of all events Tools enabling Members to make informed choices: Motions blog Candidates’ pages 186 Motions submitted and currently reviewed Voted as resolutions and recommendations Showcase of conservation work feeds the voting level
Jeju 2012 Come to Jeju!
Practical tips Online registration 25% discount for Early Bird registration until 5 July Registered participants have access to: Networking tool through Online Programme Personalized agenda Booking of accommodation Free eco-tours
Practical tips International Convention Centre Jeju 40 minutes from Jeju airport Shuttle buses are provided between hotels, venue and airport Hotels and accommodation can be booked through the Official Housing Bureau. The earlier the better!
Practical tips
Eco-tours in Jeju 51 one-day eco-tours offered by Host Country 13 September Up to 5,000 participants Discounted two-day tours Post-Forum Post-Congress
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