What is a career? A job? An occupation? A combination of life and work? How do you ‘kick start’ it?
What is a career? A JOB is a paid position requiring a group of specific attributes and skills that enable a person to perform tasks in an organisation either part-time or full-time for a short or long duration. An OCCUPATION is defined as a group of similar jobs found in different industries or organisations. A CAREER is the sequence and variety of occupations (paid and unpaid) which one undertakes throughout a lifetime. More broadly, 'career ' includes life roles, leisure activities, learning and work.
A Lifelong Approach CAREER DEVELOPMENT is the process of managing life, learning and work over the lifespan. Careers are a journey, not a destination!
Seeking CAREER GUIDANCE is an inclusive term that has been used to describe a range of interventions including career education and counselling, that help people to move from a general understanding of life and work to a specific understanding of the realistic life, learning and work options that are open to them. Career guidance is often thought to incorporate career information, career education and career counselling
How do you ‘kick start’ your career? Self-awareness Opportunity awareness Decision making Implementation Career Management Skills
So what do you want? Choice Comfortable Lifestyle Flexibility Work and play Interesting Entrepreneurial Exciting with just enough risk Stability
What do employers’ want? Motivation Initiative Employability Skills Flexibility Adaptability Attitude – the right one!
Employer expectations Key Selection Criteria – What is the correct order? 54.2%1. Academic Qualifications 40.6%2. Activities ‐ includes both intra and extra curricular 39.9%3. Critical Reasoning & Analytical Skills/Problem Solving/Lateral Thinking/Technical Skills 30.3%4. Cultural Alignment/Values Fit 28.2%5. Emotional Intelligence (including self-awareness, strength of character, confidence, motivation) 23.6%6. Interpersonal & Communication Skills (written and oral) 18.1%7. Leadership Skills 11.8%8. Passion/Knowledge of Industry/Drive /Commitment/ Attitude 9.2%9.Teamwork Skills 8.9%10. Work Experience
Key Selection Criteria Employers seek 54 2%6.Interpersonal & Communication Skills (written and oral) 40.6%3.Critical Reasoning & Analytical Skills/Problem Solving/ Lateral Thinking/Technical Skills 39.9%8.Passion/Knowledge of Industry/Drive/Commitment/Attitude 30.3%4.Cultural Alignment/Values Fit 8.2%1.Academic Qualifications 23.6%9.Teamwork Skills 18.1%5.Emotional Intelligence(including self ‐ awareness, strength of character, confidence, motivation) 11.8%10. Work Experience 9.2% 2. Activities ‐ includes both intra and extra curricular 8.9%7.Leadership Skills
How employable are you? Communication Teamwork Problem-solving Self- Management Planning and organizing Technology Life-long Learning Initiative and Enterprise Personal Attributes
What will you need in your skill set? Completed qualifications Life Experience Evidence of work experience Evidence of employability skills Evidence of capacity to learn, apply knowledge and the right attitude
How can you develop your employability skills? Qualifications: - school - TAFE - University - on the job training - life experiences - employment
What will work future look like? Highly competitive Highly qualified High Tech High skill shortages – paraprofessional More part time and semi permanent work State, National, International Up skilling necessary
Career across the lifespan
Planning for opportunities… Study -TAFE -University -Dual courses Extra learning -Languages, sports, music, vocations, short courses, Work -paid, unpaid, volunteer, home, school, community or parish
Career Development ……………..a journey not a destination. Research – today, tomorrow, always Explore and change Set Goals – personal Plan career change every 1 year, 3 to5 years Network Collect evidence Build a portfolio Many roads, many pathways Plan a journey not a destination
Career Management Knowing yourself and what you have to offer Having a great Resume Interview well Being flexible Taking opportunities (Happenstance)