April 6 CP 4 POTD Class discussion (may want to create notes from board notes) What is spirituality? -Is spirituality the same as religion? Is spirituality sexual? Sensual? What is the image/perception of Hell? Is Hell hot or cold? Defined for each individual or all the same? What is despair? Try this on for size! (See inscription to Hell’ s entrance from Dante’s Inferno) Thoughts? Discussion? For Homework: respond in detailed paragraph (at least 300 words) Define God and read pages in textbook
April 7 CP 4 POTD 1.Turn in Definition of God 2.Discuss reading pages an introduce “Paradise Lost” pages How does the reading and the response tie together? 1.Complete Milton Quiz page Complete questions 1-10 on page 449 in textbook (short essay answers count as essay grade) 3.Homework or together in class: Read pages
April 8 Cp 4 POTD 1.Continue “Paradise Lost” reading and discussion 2.Writing response: Leading the good life separates us from… words or more 2.Possible quiz over “Paradise Lost”
April 9 CP 4 POTD Early release 1:51 1.Introduce Dante’s Inferno with map hand out and cartoon 2.Begin Dante film (has question sheet to be turned in at end of film) 3.Assign April Perspective Due April 30
April 13 CP 4 POTD 1.Quick response: need paper! This will be used later. 1.Define the importance of church either in history or to yourself. 2.Define the spiritual life? 3.Why do you think Heaven is described as being on a “mountain”? 4.We will briefly discuss. 5.Handout Canto 1-3 read, discuss, explain 6.Handout Canto 4 read and analyze for homework
April 14 CP 4 POTD 1.Collect Canto 4 analysis 2.Handout Canto’s 1-4 Take home or in class Quiz due 4/15 3.Assign Fire and Ice essay (can skip if needed) Due April 27
April 15 through April 17 CP 4 POTD 1.Collect (grade) Take home or in class Cantos 1-4 quiz 2.Begin “What Dreams May Come” with assignment due Monday April 20
April 20 CP4 POTD 1.Assign and discuss Dante’s Inferno Partner Project 2.Show previously done presentations 3.Assign (choose) a Canto (or section of Cantos) and partner 1.Cantos must be presented in order 2.Will work on presentations April (may need to work with partner during PSAE test days) 3.Presentations begin April 29-May 1 (overages will finish May 5) 4.Don’t forget Fire and Ice essay due April 28
May 5 CP 4 POTD 1.Finish presentations if needed 2.Handout “The Canterbury Tales” information to read and use 3.Read Prologue to “The Canterbury Tales” pages in textbook or print out (on own from internet) 4.Handout “The Host” quiz/worksheet to focus reading
May 6 CP4 POTD 1.Host quiz/worksheet due 2.Appearance verses reality activity using pictures of famous people 3.Assign mini-research paper to be done with partner on one of the characters from the Prologue (the real person verses how Chaucer made them appear in the story) Due Wednesday May 12 4.IMC for research next two days May 7 and May 8
May 11 and May 12 CP 4 POTD 1.Type research paper in lab May 11 2.Research paper due 3.Read “The Pardoners tale” page 131 in textbook 4.Complete review the text page 139 in text questions A-E
May 13 CP 4 POTD Early release 1:11 1.Finish questions A-E in class Due at end of class
May 14 CP4 POTD 1.Read “Wife of Bath” page 140 in textbook 2.“Wife of Bath: assignment in class due tomorrow
May 15 CP 4 POTD 1. May Perspective done in computer lab, due at end of class
May 18 CP4 POTD 1.Show slide show of “The Knight’s Tale” 2.Assign original Tale (read own to class: Leden does have one) Due Wednesday May 20 ( we will read in class) 3.Work on tales May 18 and 19 in class
May or 22 CP 4 POTD 1.Read Original tales 2.3 days of space if needed and Leden wants May 29, please