Society of Women Engineers West Virginia University Section March General Meeting 3/1/2016
2 Agenda Professional Etiquette Dinner Dancing with the Mountaineer Stars Region G Awards High School Visitation Day Intramural Softball Elections
3 Professional Etiquette Dinner We are having a business etiquette dinner on April 12 th starting at 6PM in the Gold room at Towers A form will be sent out following the meeting. Fill it out ASAP Only 20 spots are available-members have priority Dress is business casual
4 Dancing with our Mountaineer Stars- TODAY Donate blood on March 1 st from 1-7PM in the Mountain Lair Ballrooms to support Ali Anderson! The dancing competition will take place Saturday March 5th, 2016 at 7:30 PM in the Ballrooms
5 Region G Awards WVU SWE won the Silver Level Achieving Collegiate Section at Region G conference!
6 High School Visitation Day March 5th Volunteers are needed on March 5 th starting at 7:30AM to set up There will be a mini organization fair from We need SWE volunteers to help work our table! The greatest need for volunteers will in the afternoon! Wear blue and gold!
7 Intramural Softball SWE will be playing intramural softball with EWB again Games will be on Sundays at either 8 or 9 PM The season runs from Mar 14 - Apr 29 Make an account at Our team name is The SWEEBs Contact Michael Fouts with questions at
8 Elections We will be electing the following officers at our April 19 th meeting: President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Membership Coordinator Webmaster Awards and Grants Chair Professional Development and Corporate Relations Social Chair Historian
9 Elections Cont. Descriptions for each position will be sent out after the meeting Event Leads are appointed positions Girl Scout Day 8 th Grade Day Murder Mystery Lunch Trunk or Treat You must be a member to be eligible for an officer position
10 Other Events WVU Open House (3/12) Next SWE Meeting (4/5) Girl Scout Day (4/9)
11 Contact Information Facebook: Website: Region Blog: