Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Recall vs. Recognition Jim Matiya Psychology In Action, 9 th Edition Karen Huffman
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Recall and Recognition ΨRetrieval Cues –Any stimulus that can begin a retrieval process Recall –To retrieve or recall a correct response as in essay examinations Recognition –To recognize or identify a correct response as in multiple choice test questions
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Recall or Recognition
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Practice Activity ΨStudents are not to talk, nor look at another person’s paper. Let’s have a little quiz! ΨLet’s Begin
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Practice Activity ΨTrial One ΨWrite down the names of the Seven Dwarfs Ψ1. Ψ2. Ψ3. Ψ4. Ψ5. Ψ6. Ψ7.
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Practice Activity ΨTrial Two ΨLook at the list of possible Dwarf names on the next slide. ΨWrite the names of the seven dwarfs. Ψ1. Ψ2. Ψ3. Ψ4. Ψ5. Ψ6. Ψ7.
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Practice Activity ΨGrouchy ΨGabby ΨSniffy ΨShy ΨGrumpy ΨHappy ΨTeach ΨDoc ΨSneezy ΨDopey ΨDroopy ΨSmiley ΨSleepy ΨWishful ΨNifty ΨHappy ΨWheezy ΨStubby ΨDumpy ΨLazy ΨPop ΨBashful ΨCheerful ΨShorty ΨFearful ΨJumpy ΨHopeful ΨPuffy
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Quiz One Follows
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Santa’s Reindeer Activity ΨStudents are not to talk, nor look at another person’s paper. Let’s have a little quiz! ΨLet’s Begin
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Reindeer Activity ΨTrial One ΨWrite down the names of the reindeer Ψ1. Ψ2. Ψ3. Ψ4. Ψ5. Ψ6. Ψ7. Ψ8. Ψ9. Ψ10.
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Reindeer Activity Trial two Ψ1. Name the three reindeer whose names begin with a "D"? Ψ2. What one reindeer is never mentioned in "The Night Before Christmas"? Ψ3. Name the two reindeer whose name begins with a "C"? Ψ4. Counting Rudolph, how many reindeer are there? Ψ5. Why did Rudolph never get to join in with the other reindeers? Ψ6. Name the reindeer whose name begins with a "B"? Ψ7. What is the name of the first reindeer Santa calls in The Night Before Christmas?
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Reindeer Activity ΨTrial Three ΨLook at the list of possible reindeer names on the next slide. ΨWrite the names of the reindeer. Ψ1. Ψ2. Ψ3. Ψ4. Ψ5. Ψ6. Ψ7.
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Reindeer Activity Ψstinky, Ψblinky, Ψdasher Ψsniffy Ψlinky Ψmasher Ψpotstew Ψratstew Ψprancer Ψwheezy Ψmickey Ψdippy Ψdancer Ψstimpy Ψcupid Ψblimpy Ψnozzle nose Ψvixen Ψdonner Ψblitzen Ψdiddy Ψrudolph
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Quiz Two Follows
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman A Penny For Your Thoughts… ΨTrial One ΨOn the next slide, draw a penny with peeking at another penny!
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Penny Activity Back of a PennyFront of a Penny
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Penny Activity ΨTrial Two ΨList the eight items that appear on a penny Ψ1. Ψ2. Ψ3. Ψ4. Ψ5. Ψ6. Ψ7. Ψ8.
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Penny Activity ΨTrial Three ΨLook at the next slide and list the eight items that appear on a penny Ψ1. Ψ2. Ψ3. Ψ4. Ψ5. Ψ6. Ψ7. Ψ8.
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Penny Activity 1.The words “One Penny”11.The right side of Mr. Lincoln’s face 2.The words “United States of America”12.A laurel wreath 3.The words “One Nation Under God”13.The words “Made in China” 4.The right side of Mrs. Lincoln’s face14.The Lincoln Memorial 5.The words “One Cent”15.The words “In God We Trust” 6.The year the coin was minted16.The word “Liberty” 7.The great seal17.The words “Anno Domini” 8.The words “Lincoln Memorial”18.The word “money” 9.The number “1” centered19.The word “E Pluribus Unum” 10.The left side of Mr. Lincoln’s face20.The Jefferson Memorial
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Penny Activity ΨTrail Four ΨOn the next slide, select the real penny ΨNumber ________is the real penny.
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Penny Activity
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Activity Answers
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Reindeer Answers ΨTrial One –Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen AND -- Rudolph ΨTrial Two –1. Dasher, Donner, Dancer –2. Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer –3. Comet and Cupid –4. Nine –5. Reindeer games –6. Blitzen –7. Dasher ΨTrial Three –Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen AND -- Rudolph
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Penny Answers ΨThe Penny Activity –Trial One Drawn Penny, front and back –Trial Two List the eight items that appear on a penny –(Front) Lincoln’s profile-facing right, “In God We Trust,” Liberty, the date –(Back) the Lincoln Memorial, “United States Of America,” “E Pluribus Unum,” “One Cent.”
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Penny Answers ΨTrial Three –List the eight items that appear on a penny The items 2, 5,6,11,14,15,16, and 19 appear on a penny ΨTrail Four –The real penny is “A.”
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Submit to the Instructor ΨThe Seven Dwarfs –Trial One Recalled names of the seven dwarfs –Trial Two Recognized names of the seven dwarfs ΨWhat is the difference between Trial One and Trial Two? ΨExplain why your answers differed.
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Submit to the Instructor ΨSanta’s Reindeer ΨTrial One –Recalled names of the reindeer ΨTrial Two –Reindeer Quiz answers out of 10 possible ΨTrial Three – Recognized names of the seven dwarfs ΨWhat is the difference between Trial One and Trial Three? ΨExplain why your answers differed.
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Penny Answers Trial Three 1.The words “One Penny”11.The right side of Mr. Lincoln’s face 2.The words “United States of America”12.A laurel wreath 3.The words “One Nation Under God”13.The words “Made in China” 4.The right side of Mrs. Lincoln’s face14.The Lincoln Memorial 5.The words “One Cent”15.The words “In God We Trust” 6.The year the coin was minted16.The word “Liberty” 7.The great seal17.The words “Anno Domini” 8.The words “Lincoln Memorial”18.The word “Brass” 9.The number “1” centered19.The word “E Pluribus Unum” 10.The left side of Mr. Lincoln’s face20.The Jefferson Memorial The items 2, 5,6,11,14,15,16, and 19 appear on a penny.
Instructors Edition. Psychology in Action, 9 th ed. By Dr. Karen Huffman Recall vs. Recognition Jim Matiya The End