Animal Behavior
Behavior BEHAVIOR -The way an organism responds to changes in its internal and external environment. IS ESSENTIAL FOR A SPECIES SURVIVAL AND SUCCESSFUL PRODUCTION OF OFFSPRING.
Behavior 2 types – Innate- inborn – Learned- developed (taught)
Behaviors InnateLearned
Innate Animal Bear Fish Human Squirrel Lion Giraffe Skill Swimming Eating Climbing Walking Crawling Speech
Learned Animal Bear Fish Human Squirrel Lion Giraffe Skill Swimming Eating Climbing Walking Crawling Speech
Behaviors Usually behaviors are carried out in a Response to a Stimulus
Fixed Action Pattern Founded by Niko Tinbergen Is a highly stereotypical behavior that once initiated is continued to completion. Triggered by external stimuli (sign stimuli)
Fixed Action Pattern When these stimuli are exchanged between the same species they are known as releasers… i.e. the stickleback fish
Learning Responses built and modified through EXPERIENCE…..
1.Habituation The simplest form of learning Learns how to IGNORE a persistent stimulus so it can continue on with life. IGNORE
Habituation Animals in zoo Nature Etc…
2. Associative Learning Learning in which one stimulus becomes linked to another. – Classical Conditioning – Operant Conditioning
Classical Conditioning Form of learning in which the conditioned stimulus or CS, comes to signal the occurrence of a second stimulus. One leading to another
Operant Conditioning Trial and Error learning Association of ones behavior with a reward or punishment.
Imprinting Konrad Lorenz Learning that occurs during a sensitive or critical period in the early life of the species and irreversible for a length of time.
SOCIAL BEHAVIOR Any interaction between two or more animals, usually of the SAME species
SOCIAL BEHAVIOR – Cooperation – Agonist Behavior – Dominance Hierarchies – Territories – Altruism
COOPERATION Cooperation- Working together I.e.
Agonistic Behavior Aggressive behavior including threats or combat to settle disputes…
Dominance Hierarchies Pecking order of behaviors that dictate(determine) social position of an animal..
Dominance Hierarchies Benefits of being TOP DOG…………..
Territoriality Determined established and defended by Agonistic behaviors. Territories are used for…..
Altruism Is a behavior that reduces an individuals reproductive fitness while increasing the fitness of the group or family. i.e. the scout and the worker bee
Altruism Kin Selection When an individual sacrifices itself for the family its sacrificing itself for relatives. Kin receive this altruism gene or learn it.