Student Engagement & Differentiation August 24, 2016
Agenda 1. What is student engagement? 2. Differentiation a. Google Forms b. Google Docs - tic tac toe choice board 3. Create your own tools for differentiation using Google
Student Engagement - Take 5 minutes to read a section of the article. - Be prepared to share what you read. - Ready, go.
Kagan Strategy # 1 - Timed Pair Share With your partner or table group, discuss the portion of the article you read. You have 3 minutes. Ready, go.
Kagan Strategy #2 - Round Robin Hold up the number of your type of engagement on your fingers. Find a group made of numbers 1-6. Each group member share what you learned about your type of engagement. You have 7 minutes to find your group and share your information. Ready, go.
Kagan Strategy # 3 - Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up Stand up, put your hand up, and walk to find a partner. Put your hand down and stand next to your partner. Share the following things with your partner: One thing you learned about student engagement One type of student engagement you or your site have down One type of student engagement you or your site could improve and any ideas for how to do so - When you are finished, please sit down. - Ready, go.
What is Branching? Sample - Chapter 1 Math Review Differentiating with Google Forms - “Branching”
Differentiating with Docs - Tic Tac Toe Choice Board What are Choice Boards? Sample Tic-Tac-Toe Board
Differentiation How-Tos Branching “How to” Doc Tic-Tac-Toe Choice Board “How to” Doc
Kagan Strategy #4 - Rally Coach Work together with a partner to create either a Google form with branching or a Tic-Tac-Toe Choice Board. One partner creates while the other “coaches” how to create it. You may use the “How to” documents in this presentation if needed When one partner finishes or at the signal, switch roles. We will work on these until the last 5 minutes of the session. Ready, go.
Kagan Strategy #5 - Rally Robin With your partner, take turns naming what you learned during this session. You have 2 minutes. Ready, go.
Helpful Resources Kagan Strategies - Essential 5 Google Classroom