Dr. Stanley Kabala Duquesne University Click here to begin.
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This course is meant to be self-paced, though there will be opportunities to interact with your local and global JPIC groups. Course content and activities should be completed in the order that they are presented to maximize student success. The Table of Contents will be your starting point for each Unit
Each type of course activity has a unique icon located in the upper right corner of the screen. In this course you will: Global discussion Watch video Online journal Local discussion Read online ReflectCreate doc Quiz/test
This unit is divided into several sections. Start with the Learning Objectives, OR click on the link below to navigate to the component where you left off. Revisit as needed. Section 1: Learning Objectives Section 2: Micro-Lecture Unit Key-Terms Section 3: Notes on Availability Section 4: Readings & Activity Project Portfolio Information
At the conclusion of this unit, students will be able to: differentiate among the terms availability, accessibility, and affordability as they apply to water supply elaborate the meaning of and need for the idea of “a right to water” recognize the implications of the idea of water as a commodity and accompanying concerns over privatization of water supply
View the Video (04:28)
Review the key-terms for this section before you continue. Click Here for Key-Terms
The political aspect of water has taken on a new form in recent years with the growing trend of the privatization of the water supply. This is taking place quite commonly in more developed countries (MDC), where water— tap water—is becoming a commodity to be delivered at a profit for shareholders.
In many countries, large corporations—some of which are multi-national— purchase municipal water systems and deliver drinking water through the network of mains that they own and maintain. In less developed countries (LDC), where communities typically have considerably less say in civic and governmental policy making, people who rely directly for their water on lakes, rivers streams, and ground water may lose their right to access water. This may be less the result of corporate investment than development and planning decisions made by government.
Required Readings Gleick, Peter. “The Human Right to Water.” Pacific Institute. Pacific Institute. May Web. 22 Apr Mabogunje, Akin L. “ Poverty and Environmental Degradation: Challenges Within the Global Economy.” Environment 44.1 (2002): EBSCO Host. Web. 26 Apr CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THROUGH DUQUESNE E-RES “Water Privatization.” Pacific Institute. Pacific Institute. n.d. Web. 22 Apr water_privatization/
Your activity for this unit forms part of the foundation of your course project portfolio. It is of two parts. First, to gain additional perspective on expanding the availability of clean drinking water, view the video “Clean Drinking Water, Donate Clean Drinking Water.”
Second, work through the following considerations. 1.Taking the broad view, evaluate how the concepts presented in this unit apply to the availability of water in your community or region. Consider whether it is accessible—that is, whether it is available over relatively short distances; whether it is affordable—that is, whether it is within the financial grasp of those who need it; and whether it is adequate—that is whether policy and/or business arrangements exist that pose obstacles to either the cost or sufficiency of the resource itself. 2.Take a critical look at your evaluation of the separate elements of water availability by considering whether there are yet other aspects of the question of availability that you have not considered. 3.Use these considerations to frame and focus your portfolio project. portfolio project