American Goldfinch 5 inches Year-round resident Weedy areas, roadsides and edges Eats seeds, insects, small fruits
American Kestrel 9-12 inches Year-round resident Open areas, often perches on the edges of woods and power lines Eats birds, rodents and insects
American Robin 9-11 inches Year-round / somewhat migrational Open lawns, fields in summer, forests in winter Insects, worms, snails, berries & fruit
Black-Capped Chickadee 4.5 – 5.5 inches Year-round resident Seeds, insects and berries Mixed deciduous forests, visits feeders
Blue Jay 11 – 12.5 inches Year – round resident Mixed forests, suburban areas and towns Almost anything edible
Chipping Sparrow 5.25 inches Breeding only Open woods, conifers, orchards, farms, towns Seeds, insects, small fruits
Common Grackle 11 – 13.5 inches Year – round / seasonal migrant Croplands, towns, groves, and streamsides Insects, small fruits, seeds, small aquatic life
Dark – eyed Junco 5.5 – 6.25 inches Year – round resident Conifer and mixed forests, common feeder visitor in winter Seeds, insects and small fruits
European Starling 7.5 – 8.5 inches Year – round resident Cities, parks, farms, fields and open country Insects, seeds and berries
House Finch 5 – 5.5 inches Year – round resident Cities, suburbs and farms Insects, seeds, berries
House Sparrow 6 inches Year – round resident Cities, farms, human disturbed areas Insects and seeds
Mourning Dove 12 inches Year – round resident Farms, towns, open woods, roadsides, brush and fields Seeds, grain, fruits and insects
Northern Cardinal 7.5 – 9 inches Year – round residents Forest edges, thickets, feeders and towns Seeds, insects, small fruits
Pileated Woodpecker 16 – 19.5 inches Year – round resident Forests Insects, berries, acorns and sap
Turkey Vulture 26 – 32 inches Migrates a short distance in winter Usually soaring, or seen sitting on dead trees or posts, also seen at roadkill Carrion
Information in this presentation was taken from: *A Field Guide to the Birds of Eastern and Central North America, 5 th ed. Roger Tory Peterson and Virginia Marie Peterson. Houghton Mifflin Company *Bird Song Ear Training Guide by John FeithInformation in this presentation was taken from: *A Field Guide to the Birds of Eastern and Central North America, 5 th ed. Roger Tory Peterson and Virginia Marie Peterson. Houghton Mifflin Company *Bird Song Ear Training Guide by John Feith