Directline Analytical Training 2011 Chicago, IL July 26 & 27, 2011 Jorgi Day & Vickie Olson
Honeywell Proprietary 2 Analytical Products Overview Contacting Conductivity Toroidal Conductivity Hydrogen Purity Moisture pH/ORP Dissolved Oxygen UDA2182 APT2000/4000 UDA2182 APT2000/4000 HB Series DL1000 DL2000 DL DirectLine DL421/ DL4000 DirectLine DL423 APT2000/ TC 7866 Controller 7866 Sensing Unit UDA2182 DirectLine DL424/425 DL5000PPM HPW Dew Point Transmitter 4112 Dew Point/ Temp Transmitter 4111 Relative Humidity Transmitter 4129 Humidity Transmitter DL5000PPB
Honeywell Proprietary 3 DirectLine Products Overview pH DirectLine ORP Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen
Honeywell Proprietary 4 DirectLine Products MeasurementModuleSensorConnection pH – Durafet DL421DL1000Direct/Remote pH – GlassDL421DL2000 Low CostRemote pH – GlassDL Meredian Remote pH – GlassDL421HPW7000Remote pH – GlassDL421HBRemote ORPDL422DL3000Remote ORPDL421HBRemote ConductivityDL423DL4000 Low CostRemote ConductivityDL , 4973, 4908/9Remote DO – ppmDL424DL5PPMDirect/Remote DO – ppbDL425DL5PPBDirect/Remote
Honeywell Proprietary 5 Key Product Features Unique Measurement System for a Wide Range of Applications DirectLine Modules
Honeywell Proprietary 6 Ease of Installation and Use Small compact design –Easily handled –Fast mounting Industry standard wiring connector –Quick power and 4-20 mA wiring –No special tools Local HMI and keypad –Fast calibration –Easy set-up Integral Mounting –Quick sensor to instrument connection –Easy pH calibration
Honeywell Proprietary 7 Specifications – DirectLine Module Display Ranges pH0 – 14 pH ORP+/ mV Conductivity0 – 20,000 uS/cm D.O.0 – 20 ppm, 0 – 200 ppb Module MaterialPlastic – Polysulfone Output Type4 -20 mA (loop powered) Ambient Temperature-20 to 85°C ApprovalsUL/CSA General Purpose FM Cl I, Div 1 (I.S.) FM Cl I, Div 2 (N.I. Field Wiring) Power Vdc
Honeywell Proprietary 8 Key Product Features Unique pH Measurement System for a Wide Range of Applications DirectLine pH Sensors DURAFET III HB SERIES DIRECTLINE Glass pH EASYMODERATEHARSH MEREDIAN DURAFET II
Honeywell Proprietary 9 Choices to Suit Application Glass pH Electrodes –Light industrial and OEM Applications –Low Cost sensors –Remote mounting only Durafet pH Electrodes –More severe pH and environmental conditions –Integral mounting option Easy installation Easy calibration
Honeywell Proprietary 10 Specifications – DirectLine Glass pH Electrodes (DL2) pH Range3-12 pH Wetted Materials: pH Sensor Glass Body Ryton O-rings EPDM Reference HDPE Temperature0 to 65°C Pressure70psi Cable Lengths20’ Mounting:Remote Connector Only
Honeywell Proprietary 11 DirectLine pH Choices DL1000DL2000 Durafet DirectLine pH Electrodes Immersion and In-line Mountings Integral Mounting Option ¾” NPT Threads Glass pH Electrodes In-Line Mounting ¾” NPT Threads Remote Mounting Only 20’ cable
Honeywell Proprietary 12 Key Product Features Value Priced Conductivity Solution for Light Industrial and OEM Applications DirectLine Conductivity Cells EASY DIRECTLINE Conductivity MODERATE HARSH 4973, 4905 & 4909/4908 Torodial
Honeywell Proprietary 13 Choices to Suit Application Glass pH Electrodes –Light industrial and OEM Applications –Low Cost sensors –Remote mounting only Durafet pH Electrodes –More severe pH and environmental conditions –Integral mounting option Easy installation Easy calibration
Honeywell Proprietary 14 Specifications – DirectLine Conductivity Cells (DL4) Conductivity Range0 – 20,000 uS/cm Wetted Materials: Body Epoxy Electrodes 0.1 and 1.0 Graphite 10 Platinum Temperature 0 to 65°C Pressure 70psi Cable Lengths 20’ Mounting: Remote Connector Only
Honeywell Proprietary 15 DirectLine Conductivity Cells DL4000 Conductivity Cells In-line, tee and Flow Chamber Mountings Remote Mounting Option Only ¾” NPT Mounting Gland
Honeywell Proprietary 16 DirectLine Dissolved Oxygen See Dissolved Oxygen Product Module
Honeywell Proprietary 17 Competitive Solutions vs. Signet Strengths –Well known OEM supplier in marketplace –Easy to use instruments –Targeted OEM salesforce –Large installed base Competitive Overview –Products designed for light industrial applications –Targets OEM skid applications –Brand name recognition in Wastewater Weaknesses - pH sensors perceived as “cheap” - Limited Analytical measurements - Minimal product innovation
Honeywell Proprietary 18 Low cost glass pH and Conductivity sensors for light industrial and OEM applications Durafet electrodes for more severe pH applications Integral Durafet options Easy to install, configure and use Small, compact design Unique measurement system for glass pH and Conductivity light industrial applications The Result: A differentiated solution for a wide range of environmental conditions! DirectLine – Silver Bullets!