The Future of Talent Development Britt Andreatta, Ph.D. Director of Learning + Development at Senior Learning Consultant for LinkedIn
Britt Andreatta
Roadmap Talent Development Organizational Growth Human Development + Consciousness Organizational Consciousness Implications for the Future
Management Skills Training Phases of Growth Young AGE OF ORG Mature Small SIZE OF ORG Large Phase 1 Creativity Phase 2 Direction Phase 3 Delegation Phase 4 Coordination + Monitoring Phase 5 Collaboration Phase 6 Alliances Evolution T T Transformation T T T T T
The Rise of… Employee engagement Purpose-driven orgs Authenticity Happiness Conscious business
RED Impulsive AMBER Conformist ORANGE Achievement GREEN Pluralistic TEAL Evolutionary Description Thrives in chaotic environments. Constant exercise of power by leader to keep people in line. Fear is primary tool for control. Highly reactive, short-term focus. Highly formal roles within hierarchical pyramid. Top-down command and control. Determines the what and how of org. Stability highly valued and achieved through rigorous processes. Goal is to beat competition, achieve profit and growth. Innovation is the key to staying ahead. Management by objectives (command and control on what; freedom on the how). Within the classic pyramid structure, focus is on culture and empowerment to achieve extraordinary employee motivation. Organization is seen as a living system with a direction of its own that needs to be listened to. Focus is on moving from ego to integrated wholeness and authenticity. “Good” decisions judged by… Achieving leader’s desires Conforming to social norms Effectiveness and success Rational and logical Belonging and harmony People/feeling process Inner measure of rightness Being of service to the world All forms of data from rational to intuitive Considers “both- and” © Laloux, from Reinventing Organizations
“The general rule seems to be that the level of consciousness of an organization cannot exceed the level of consciousness of its leader.” Frederic Laloux
Implications Attracting and hiring talent Retaining talent Learning and development Change initiatives Reorganizations