The Body
head forehead eyebrow eyelid eye nose ear cheek lip/mouth jaw/chin neck shoulder arm elbow hand wrist finger fingernail chest back waist hip thigh knee leg shin calf ankle heel toe toenail
Play “Simon says”
Getting Sick Ailments
headache earache toothache stomach ache backache
cold flu cough soar throat fever runny nose stuffy nose
bruise burn cut broken leg/arm sprain (sprained ankle) rash
indigestion nauseous constipation diarrhea
Play “Charades”
Role-playing - At a Hospital -
Act Like Us!
Doctor: Hi. Come on in and have a seat. Now what seems to be the problem? Patient: I have a rash on my arm. D: How long have you had the rash? P: It’s been about a week. D: Are you taking anything for it? P: I put some cream on it but it didn’t help. D: I see. Are you allergic to any medications? P: Not that I know of. D: I’m going to give you a prescription for some ointment. I want you to apply it three times a day.
It’s Your Turn!