Public Works Deputy Executive Director Everglades Restoration & Capital Programs Operations & Maintenance CERP / ECP ProgramControls CapitalPrograms Operations Maintenance LandAcquisition
CERP Project Mgmt Environmental RegionalPMs Projectmanagers Projectmanagers Projectmanagers permits ProgramControls schedule budget documentation Research
Water Resources Advisory Commission Business Water supply Utility Agriculture Public Interest Environmental Local Government Federal State Tribal.. working to build consensus among and within the public & private sectors..
Detailed Design Operate Monitoring and Adaptive Assessment Project Mgmt Plan Project Implementation Report (including NEPA) Plans & Specs Construct Project Cooperation Agreement State & Congressional Authorization Project Development Process Real Estate Acquisition Governing Board Approval Governing Board Approval
SFWMD & Local Governments Program funding: Federal State of Florida
Implementing CERP through the Project Delivery Teams guidance memorandums Corps process State process public involvement private sector support stakeholder participation State Federal - Corps SFWMDLocalTribal
the principal goal of the Comprehensive Plan is to deliver the right amount of water, of the right quality, to the right places, and at the right time. Get the water right...