1. Basic information of Canon 2. Present strategies of Canon 3. Analysis of competitors 4. Analysis of Canon ( at industry level ) 5. Set up Canon’s sustainable strategies ( at company level )
1. Basic Information of Canon Founded : August Headquaters : 30-2, Shimomaruko 3-chome, Ohta-ku, Tokyo , Japan Chairman & CEO : Fujio Mitarai President & COO : Tsuneji Uchida
1. Basic Information of Canon
Canon has so many branch in world wide. They cover almost continents.
2-(1). Present Strategies in common (1) Robust line-up of normal Canon DSLR Price – relatively cheap Quality – compare to other competitors, it is has high quality for prices. Easy to use for inductory 300D~550D line have various level of prices, so consumers can have much wider scope of selections.
2-(1). Present Strategies in common (2) Set up purchase step Canon has robust line-up and it makes consumers consume their line-up products by stage. Low price Middle price High price
2-(1). Present Strategies in common (3) Set up image symbol Canon’s DSLR has red line on their professional lens ↓ It makes Canon’s image improved, poplularized Brand images are very important in DSLR industry.
2-(2). Present Strategies in different ( Korea ) (1) Concentrate on target class ( Men class ) They made high-amateur class. So they made their products easy to use for introductory
2-(2). Present Strategies in different ( Korea ) (2) TV ad : which makes koreans agree Korean consider keeping their apperance as very important task Canon understand Korean Culture, and they made TV ad to move Korean consumer’s mind.
2-(2). Present Strategies in different ( Korea ) (3) Practice some promotion to gain market share. d Canon has high market shares in terms of DSLR market. But, in terms of compact camera market, the leader is Samsung. So Canon tries to increase their reputation of compact camera by such promotions.
2-(2). Present Strategies in different ( Korea ) According to this graph, canon compact camera’s market share is third one. It means that situation is different from DSLR market, so they need to practice more promotion to increase consumer’s attention.
2-(3). Present Strategies in different ( U.S.A )
(1) tendency of American consumers ¾ of American homes have at least one digital camera Tend to spend more time with family Frequent use of social networks –facebook, twitter, blog, ect. desire a sleek, stylish compact and a colorful design. Key component in purchase decision - Affordability and Convergence
2-(3). Present Strategies in different ( U.S.A ) (2) Your second shot campaign
2-(3). Present Strategies in different ( U.S.A ) (3) Focus on its high performance
2-(3). Present Strategies in different ( U.S.A ) (2) TV commercials in U.S.A Shot_30.movhttp://downloads.canon.com/cpr/software/camera/Your_Second_ Shot_30.mov 혹은
3. Analysis of Competitors (1) Nikon It has second biggest market share in Korea. 37%34%30%40%
3. Analysis of Competitors (1) Nikon High quality of lens It has line-up products too. (but they do not release their new product frequently as fast as Canon) 450D 500D550D canon D90 nikon VS
4-(1). Analysis of Canon at industry level ( SWOT in Korea )
4-(2). Analysis of Canon at industry level ( SWOT in U.S.A )
4-(3). Analysis of canon at industry level ( Poter’s Diamond in Korea ) Firm strategy, struct ure and rivalry Factor conditions Government Related and support industries Related and support industries Demand conditions Chance Have many rivalry : nikon, olympus, samsung, … structure & firm strategy : emphasize on ability Small but the consumer is specialized So, the market quality is high. Canon’s own co -operation firms and suppliers Products from abroad + +
Firm strategy, struct ure and rivalry Factor conditions Government Related and support industries Related and support industries Demand conditions Chance Have many rivalry : xerox, nikon, olympus, … Big & market quality is high Canon’s own co -operation firms and suppliers Products from abroad (4). Analysis of canon at industry level ( Poter’s Diamond in U.S.A )
5. VRIO An internal tool of analysis in the context of business management. It ask about a resource or capability to determine its competitive potential. V : value R : rarity I : inimitability O : organization
5. Resorce Based Theory 1.Classification (1) Core knowledge : Great performance of lens Above chart show Canon receive the best judgment in terms of the function But as you see second one is Nikon, the biggest competitor. So great performance of lens is core knowledge to play the game in DSLR market.
5. Resorce Based Theory 1.Classification (2) Advanced knowledge : Canon is easy to use for introductory (Creative Auto Function)
5. Resorce Based Theory 1.Classification (3) Innovative knowledge : There is no clear innovative knowledge. Canon’s market share and Nikon’s one are same.
5. Resorce Based Theory 1.Classification Core Inn Adv CoreAdv Inn Innovator Leader Viable Competitor Leggard At risk Canon’s position
5. Resorce Based Theory 2. Gap Analysis (1) Strategic Gap Must do * They need to understand woman consumers * They need to focus on compact camera and hybrid camera market. Doing (can) * They focus on man consumers in Korea * They almost focus on DSLR market
5. Resorce Based Theory 2. Gap Analysis (2) Knowledge Gap Must know They should research woman consumers’ marketing method. They need to find niche market where the other competitors do not know Knowing How to attract man consumers What is competitor’s strengths Our DSLR is the best
5. Resorce Based Theory To decrease the Gap, We need M&A, R&D(internalization), Outsourcing… And Canon need to balance Between Exploration & Exploitation
References &cDateYear=2010&cDateMonth=07&cDateDay=1 1F0C4607B6CAF BAA45366F7Fhttp://blog.naver.com/dddbbbw?Redirect=Log&logNo= &jumpingVid=6D3 1F0C4607B6CAF BAA45366F7F ( Canon’s TV ad in Korea ) ey= &mode=sub_viewhttp://bntnews.hankyung.com/apps/news?popup=0&nid=05&c1=05&c2=05&c3=00&nk ey= &mode=sub_view (Canon’s compact camera promotion in Korea) ews&nBoardSeq=60http://news.danawa.com/News_List_View.php?nModeC=2&nSeq= &sMode=n ews&nBoardSeq=60 (Compact camera market share in Korea) (Canon’s TV ad in U.S.A) CD=A01402&OutLnkChk=Y (Nikon’s article) pmenukind=19
References _by_2015_news_ htmlhttp:// _by_2015_news_ html ( Article of Samsung ) pmenukind= (Chart of lens performance)